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I paused there, waiting to make sure that he made it inside, but Gabe pressed the gun into my rib with enough force to bruise.

“Get going. Now. Unless you want me to go back and pick up daddy dearest.”

“No. I’m going.” I pressed on the gas and quickly pulled out onto the street.

“Good. Take a left here.”

“Where are we going?”

“That’s not for you to know.”

“Well, I’m the one driving. Wouldn’t that be useful for me to know?”

“Don’t try to get smart with me just because we dropped off your father. I can easily call one of my men to go back and pick him up.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Good.” He pressed the gun harder into my side and I winced. “Now drive.”

Chapter 29


After my talk with Teo, I was relieved that I was not only still breathing, but still his underboss. He’d had every right to demote me or even remove me completely from the Venturi family, but he hadn’t, and for that I was extremely grateful. That couldn’t keep me from moping around, missing Sienna. I tried to remind myself that she was better off where she was. She was free, enjoying some undisclosed location with her father until she would return home to continue her life the way she wanted...without me.

Somewhere deep down, I hoped that one day she would return to me. When I let her go, I never thought that would be possible. But after clearing things up with Teo, I realized that I may still have the slightest glimmer of hope, that one day I could be with Sienna.

I climbed out of my car and into the Venturi mansion. Teo and the rest of our closest friends gathered in the parlor for an overdue guys’ night where we would drink, play cards, and try not talk about work.

As I entered the parlor I was met with the smell of expensive cigars, rare liqueurs, and the sound of deep, boisterous laughter. It was something I hadn’t heard from our group in a while, and I realized just how much I’d missed it.

“Ciao, look who’s finally arrived,” Luca called out to me from the drink cart before I took two steps inside the door.

“Ciao, everyone. I see you didn’t wait for me before starting.”

“Ah, you wouldn’t have waited either. Come catch up.” Teo’s cheerful tone was a welcome sound.

After each of us had a drink, Enzo clapped his hands together before speaking. “So, who’s ready to lose some money tonight?”

“Oh, so cocky are you?” I teased.

“Not cocky. Confident.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” Luca grabbed the pack of cards from the table. “I’ll deal.”

We took our seats around the table and had barely made it through two hands before Teo’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen before ignoring the call, but it rang again. He ignored it again, but it started right back.

“What the hell? Sorry guys, I need to see what this is about.” Teo hit the answer button on his phone and put it to his ear. “Ciao?”

Teo’s face dropped as an angry shade of red crept up his neck. “Gabe, what the hell are you doing calling me?”

Everyone fell silent at Teo’s mention of Gabe. We sat there, no one moving as we waited to see what happened next.

“What kind of game are you playing?...Video?” Teo moved his phone from his ear and looked down at the screen.

On video, we were all able to hear the other side of the call as Gabe’s smug voice came through the speaker. “I found something of yours that seemed to go missing a few days ago.”

