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“What will it be?” Gabe’s smug tone made me want to punch him.

“We will let you back in, as a bouncer at the club again, but it will be a very short leash until you can prove yourself. And I want every piece of information you have on the Romanos.”

“Of course.”

“Meet us at the old warehouse in half an hour. You know the one. And Gabe?”


“If there is so much as one hair harmed on her head, the deal is off.”

Gabe nodded before ending the call.

“All right, I want a few extra guys with us just in case Gabe tries anything unexpected,” Teo said as soon as the end of the phone call.

“Do you think he would be stupid enough to try something with us?”

“If he's stupid enough to think that we would take him back, he's stupid enough to try to double cross us.”

“You have a point there.”

After we gathered our guns and making a few calls to our men, we packed into two SUVs. We would be meeting the other two vehicles of men on location at the warehouse. As we neared the warehouse, my heart raced, pumping adrenaline through my veins. My heart pounded in my chest like it wanted to escape.

Gabe had no reason to harm Sienna. But he had no reason to keep her safe either. She was just a pawn in his game to get back in with the family. I wasn't sure how much he knew about Sienna's and my relationship. He somehow seemed to know a good deal about the situation with her escape for someone who had been on the run, hiding out from us for so long. I wondered how he had a connection to the family enough that he could get that type of information. As we neared the warehouse, I took a deep breath and held it until we were pulling in. My only thoughts were of getting Sienna out safely.

We parked around the back of the warehouse with fifteen minutes to spare. It would give us time to scope out the place and make sure that we had the upper hand. But as soon as we stepped through the front door, something felt wrong. It was one of those feelings that I couldn't explain. There was danger in the air, even though there was no sign of anything threatening, no smell, no sound, nothing that I could put a name to.

“Teo…” I started with a warning tone as we took the first steps into the warehouse.

“I know.” His voice was low and even.

Gabe stepped out from behind a large shelf with Sienna in front of him, his forearm across her throat as he used her as a shield.

“Gabe,” I called out as the first to spot him and the others looked in his direction.

“You're early,” Teo called out.

“I learned from you,” Gabe said coolly. “Let me guess, you were here to make sure this wasn't an ambush? To make sure that you had the upper hand?”

“Something like that.” Teo kept his cool while all I wanted was to run to Sienna, who looked terrified, as Gabe held her tight against him.

“I am surprised,” Gabe said with an overconfident look in his eye that made me nervous.

“Surprised by what?” Teo said casually.

“I'm surprised that you only came with ten men.”

“Ten?” Teo raised an eyebrow curiously as we all subtly stepped closer to Gabe every chance we could to close the gap between us without him noticing.

“Yes.” Gabe looked amused. “The five of you who just entered and the five who snuck around back to enter from the other direction, most likely to catch me unaware.”

“But you figured that out,” Teo let a small hint of emotion reflect in his voice.

“As I said, I learned from you.”

Just then, five of our men were escorted into the main warehouse by some of the Romanos’ soldiers.

"What the hell is this?" I ground out through clenched teeth.
