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"You tell me," Gabe sounded almost entertained.

"You son of a bitch. You set us up," Vinnie mumbled from over my left shoulder.

Gabe let out a dark, bitter laugh. “Do you really think that I would ever come crawling back to you? Begging you to let me have your scraps?” He scoffed. “I have found people who recognize and appreciate what I can bring to the table. I'm going to help take down your entire organization piece by piece, starting with you here today. Then, once we're done here we will move on to that pretty little wife of yours. Teo let out a low growl and I gently touched his arm in a casual reminder to keep his cool. I couldn't afford to let this turn into a full-blown firefight. Not with Sienna directly in the crosshairs.

“Do you really think you are so smart?” I challenged while giving Teo a moment to pull himself together. “Do you think that you could beat us if it wasn't for your masters pulling the strings? You're just their lap dog. If it came down to just one-on-one you wouldn't stand a chance.”

“We might be outgunned and outmanned but I would take one of my men over five of yours any day,” Teo challenged.

“Put down your weapons or my guys are going to start shooting your friends.” Gabe motioned toward the five of Teo's men who had been captured by the Romanos.

“Okay,” Teo said reluctantly.

He slowly lifted his gun with both hands in the air as a show of surrender, before crouching so that he could place the gun on the ground while Gabe stood there, holding Sienna with a smug smile. The rest of us followed Teo’s lead, making a show of placing our guns on the ground.

“Now you're back up piece, all of you.” Gabe looked as if he had already defeated us. “I was with your family for many years. I know how you work, and I know that you never come with only one gun on you. We all removed our guns from our ankle straps and placed them on the floor as well. “Good. Now slide them over.” We did as he said.

“The girl has nothing to do with this,” I called out, needing to find a way to make sure that Sienna went free, regardless of what happened to me. “Let her go. She’ll only slow you down.”

“Oh, no. I think I'll hold on to this one a little longer. We've been having fun together haven't we?” Gabe turned and looked at Sienna with such lasciviousness that my fists clenched tight at my sides just to keep from doing something reckless.

A flash of fear crossed Sienna's face, but she met my gaze suddenly. She gave a tight shake of her head and mouthed the words‘nothing happened. I'm fine.’

She was trying to calm me. She was the one being held by that slimy snake, yet she was trying to calmmedown. But her words worked. Knowing that nothing had happened to her, that he was just goading me, helped me to think more clearly.

“You know,” Teo started while looking around the warehouse. “I'm a little disappointed.”

Gabe looked surprised and taken back by Teo’s words.

“Disappointed with what?” He nearly spit out the words, sounding insulted.

“That you thought this handful of men could take us all on.” Teo sounded almost bored with the situation.

“Handful? We've got twenty men to your ten. You were the ones who underestimated me.”

“Just because you only see the ten of us, doesn't mean there aren’t more around the property. I've got twenty men ready to take you down.”

Just then the sight of one of our best snipers caught my attention from the second floor of the warehouse. I didn't respond, didn't react, and made no move that might alarm Gabe to the situation. I took a slow, deep breath through my nose to clear my head and think of what I needed to do.

I met Sienna's eyes, wishing and hoping that I could convey to her what she needed to do.

Sienna’s gaze locked with mine and I waited, frozen there as everything seemed to slow down.

"Now," Teo called out, each of us reaching behind our backs to a third hidden gun. We knew that Gabe would know all our usual tactics and so we had to get creative. The men who had been found were there to make Gabe feel like he outsmarted us. He thought we had only come with ten men but as the other half of our men emerged from the corners of the warehouse, guns firing, their men started to drop.

Gabe pulled out his gun and Sienna twisted in his grasp. He fumbled, letting her slip from his arm and she ran. Gabe aimed his gun at her, and I yelled, "get down."

Sienna ducked and swerved out of the way as I turned my gun toward Gabe. I shot, but he dove behind a shelf of boxes.

Sienna ran toward me. The moment she was within reach, I grasped her hand and tugged her behind me.

I turned on a swivel, shooting a man to my left, and barely missing another to my right as he moved behind a pillar.

Things moved fast. Bullets flew in all directions. I had to get Sienna to shelter.

I grabbed her hand and ran toward a row of large pallets stacked with boxes but as we turned the corner, Gabe appeared in the distance and pulled his gun.

"No," Sienna's voice rang out at the same time as the crack of Gabe's gunshot.
