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“You should at least try.”

She looked around nervously, her eyes glancing down to the gun sitting on the table beside me.

“You saved my friend’s life. You did your part. All I ask is that you stay here a few more hours to make sure he’s in the clear, then I’ll drop you back off at your car myself and you’ll be free to go. I promise, you’re safe.”

I wasn’t sure why, but I felt bad for putting her in the situation that I had. Luca needed a doctor, so I got him a doctor, but I’d misjudged her from the start and maybe, if I’d just asked her for her help, she might have even come willingly. There was a kindness in her I’d somehow missed until that moment, and I wanted to let her know that everything was going to be okay.

After studying me for a moment, she glanced back at Luca and let out a heavy sigh. “Okay, I am pretty exhausted. It wouldn’t hurt to try to get a little nap in.”

“Good. Try to find yourself a blanket or something and I’ll go let the guys know that they can leave.”

I stood, tucking the gun back into my waistband, and headed out into the waiting room where Angelo and Vinnie sat slumped in chairs, asleep.

“Hard at work standing guard, I see.” I said loud enough to wake them, and they both jumped.

Vinnie’s feet fell off the table they’d been propped on. “Sorry boss. We figured as long as one of us was watching out front, the others could get a little rest.”

“How’s Luca?” Angelo asked as he rolled his shoulders.

“He’s through the worst of it but doc said he needs to be watched for the next few hours before we can move him. Which one of you has had the most rest?”

“That’d be me, boss,” Vinnie said. “It was my turn next to relieve Gino.”

I nodded. “Angelo, take Gino and meet up with the other men. Get some sleep. Vinnie, you’ll stay and keep watch outside. I’m going to let the doc catch a few Z’s in here while I keep an eye on Luca.”

“You sure you’re not going to be keeping an eye on the doctor?” Angelo smirked and Vinnie chuckled.

“She is pretty hot. You know, from what I can tell under all those scrubs.”

“If you’re not going to hit that, I wouldn’t mind playing doctor with her for a while.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the two of them. “You are two grown men, yet you sound like a couple of teenagers. She just saved our friend’s life. She’s exhausted, but she’s staying until we are sure he’s out of the woods.” I hardened my voice, making sure that they could hear the warning there. “No one touches her.”

Both of their smirks fell to serious frowns, and they looked nervous, which had been my intended goal.

“Sure thing, boss.”

“We were just messing around.”

“Good. Now get out of here. Let Gino know the plan on your way out.”

“Yes, sir,” both men said as they quickly gathered their things and hurried out the door.

I headed back into the room where Luca was. Sienna stood over him, checking the pulse point at his wrist.

“How’s he doing?” I kept my voice low, hoping not to startle her but she jumped anyway.

She turned, visibly relaxing when she saw me, and I joined her by the exam table.

“He’s stable, which is all we can really ask for at this point.”

“But he still hasn’t woken up.”

“I gave him a light sedative before I started working on him, just to keep him comfortable in case he woke up during the surgery, but it should be wearing off soon. Then we’ll know more.”

She glanced up at me with those brown, doe-eyes, a small strand of her hair had escaped from her ponytail and fallen into her face. Without thinking, I lifted a finger to her forehead and slowly swiped it away, gently tucking it behind her ear and she blushed, glancing away shyly as she repeated my motion by running her fingers behind her ear.

I chuckled softly at her response to my subtle touch, not meaning to make her blush but for some reason, enjoying her reaction all the same. I glanced down at her empty arms and decided to switch gears for her benefit. “No luck finding a blanket?”
