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Her hair was pulled back into some kind of elegant updo with her mom’s veil pinned in place. She wore the same earrings my own mom had supposedly worn at her Vegas wedding to my dad, and she was wearing purple ballet flats on her swollen feet. Between us, Love Bug wore a mini version of the same dress and shoes, her hair in a pretty braid with a few locks curled around her beautiful face. She held each of our hands, standing statue-still just like she’d promised she would during the ceremony, waiting for Mommy and Daddy to promise their souls to each other for all of eternity.

Finally, Lyric produced the box of rings, and I took the smallest one out first.

Bending on one knee, I took Love Bug’s hand in mine. “The moment I held you in my arms, I became your daddy in my heart. When I signed your birth certificate, that made you mine in the eyes of the law. But today, I’m going to ask you to accept me as your daddy forever. In return, I vow to always protect you. To make sure you are always loved and happy. Will you be my princess for the rest of my life, Love Bug?”

Her incredible bluish-purple eyes glittered with tears. This part was a surprise for her. All she’d expected was for Vi and me to say a few vows and exchange rings before kissing and then going to the “after party,” as she liked to call the reception.

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, and I slipped the little ring that had a tiny diamond set into the center of a violet on to her index finger.

Kissing her forehead, I straightened and took the other ring to slip on to Vi’s left hand, while she did the same to me with the thicker, matching platinum band. Together, we spoke our vows in unison, promising to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of our lives.

Tears poured down my face unashamedly as I bent and kissed her.

Finally, she was my wife. I felt as if I’d been waiting for this moment my entire life, which was true. Even before she was born, I’d sensed my soul mate inside her mom’s stomach. There hadn’t been a day from the moment I’d met her when she was only a few days old that I hadn’t considered her mine.

It was the sound of our mothers collectively sobbing that eventually forced me to lift my head. Sniffling, Vi gave me a watery but beautiful smile. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you so much, Vi.” Bending, I lifted Love Bug into one arm and then wrapped my other around Violet’s waist as we turned to face our friends and family.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the much-awaited Mr., Mrs., and Miss Thornton,” our officiant announced.

A million pictures followed. Of the three of us together, just Vi and me, and with our parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews. By the time we made it to the reception, where everyone was already eating and having a good time, Violet had lost some of her energy, but her beaming smile never left her face.

I made her pause long enough to drink some water before we were urged onto the dance floor for our first dance.

As the music played, my heart began to pound, because I had one last promise to keep to Remington, and it was time to fulfill it. The lights were turned down and the music played softly, but on a bare wall, a projector began to play the video my bride’s late husband had made only a week before his death.

“You better not cry today, because if you do, I’ll have to come back and haunt Luca until he loses his mind.” Remington’s voice filled the room, and Violet nearly stumbled. Catching her, I tucked her close and practically held her off the floor as I danced for us. Her arms were wrapped tight around my neck as she watched with wide eyes as Remington’s grinning face stared back at her.

“Remi,” she whispered.

“In all seriousness, I knew this day would happen eventually, and I wanted to tell you something, my beautiful Violet. I wish you happiness. And peace. For the first time in my life, you gave me the love I craved. Together, we checked off so many items from my bucket list, but none of them was more important, more awe-inspiring than getting to fall in love with you. But I knew you would only be mine for a short time. Every minute we were together was a gift only you could have given me, Vi. There are no words I can say to express how thankful I am for you.”

“Oh, Remi,” she breathed, her eyes glazed with tears, but somehow my strong girl held them back.

“I don’t even have to assume if our love bug is happy or not. Luca promised me on his life that he would always take care of her. Love her. Treat her as his own. I trust him to keep that promise and every other one he’s made thus far.” His smile dimmed, and he swallowed roughly. “I’m not going to lie, I’m scared. Not of death, but of leaving you and our daughter behind. But I know that as long as Luca is by your side, you’ll be okay. Because he loves you just as much as I love you, Vi. Maybe more.” He groaned. “Okay, that’s a lie. I know he loves you more. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to step in and fill the role of father for our little girl. He loves you so much that he already loves her as much as I do.”

I stopped dancing so she could look at him on the wall.

“Right now, you’re having one of the best days of your life, and I couldn’t be happier for you. That’s all I want for you and our love bug, Violet. To be happy and know that I love you. Please enjoy the life that you’re going to have with Luca. Don’t mourn me. You gave me everything I ever wanted, and I’m all too aware that I didn’t deserve half of it. But I’m eternally grateful for every smile, every whispered ‘I love you,’ and the little time I got to experience our daughter growing in your belly.”

A shuddery breath left her as she fought a sob, but she didn’t break, didn’t let Remington down.

“Have a great life, Vi and Love Bug. Remember that it’s okay to miss me, but don’t let it overrun your lives. Trust in Luca. Between him and me, we both love you and our little girl more than any two people have ever been loved. Ever. Move on and just be happy. Because that’s all I wish for.”

Everyone in the room was watching the video in complete silence, so no one could have missed the little hiccup that escaped Vi.

“Goodbye, my love. And, Love Bug? I love you so much, sweet girl. Never, ever doubt that.”

The light from the video went dim and then the projector was turned off by the DJ, but the music kept playing. Lifting her head, Vi locked her gaze with mine. “You knew this was coming?”

“I promised I would play this for you on our wedding day. He was specific about when.” I shrugged. “I know it probably hurt to see him, but I owed it to him. The man gave me so much.”

Gulping, she nodded. “It did hurt to see him,” she choked out. “But…I needed to hear everything he said. I’ve tried not to feel guilty for moving on, for being happy, for starting our lives together, and adding to our family. But it kept creeping in from time to time. Actually seeing him and hearing him say he was happy for us…that helped.”

I cupped her cheek in one hand as we swayed to the music. “It’s okay if you still love him.”

“I’m sorry, Luca.” Her voice trembled. “I’ll probably always love him. But even when we were together, I never loved him as much as I love you. And maybe that’s why the guilt eats at me so much.”
