Page 52 of Vicious

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“Linsey, I know this was supposed to be a day of fun, but would you mind sitting at the bar with Gray? She will keep you company while we talk,” Montana said, motioning to the beautiful bartender. The woman smiled warmly at Linsey, her eyes as gray as her name.

“I’d be happy with the company,” the beautiful woman smiled.

“I’d like that,” Linsey replied warmly, walking away with the woman.

“Take a seat, gentleman,” Mercy ordered.

Flipping my chair around, I straddled it and asked, “So, what do you need to talk about?”

Bayou took a drink of his beer before saying, “The Golden Skulls are imploding. Ghost is barely holding everything together. With Reaper dead, brothers have split.”

“He’s right,” Viper nodded. “Chaos has railed several of the brothers up against Ghost and Bullseye and is demanding retribution. No one knows who killed Reaper and if they do, they aren’t saying. To make matters worse, someone broke into Phantom’s and Matrix’s offices and trashed the places. They destroyed all the evidence, cameras, everything. The club is running blind.”

“I’m no longer a brother. I don’t know what I can do.”

“Not asking for anything like that, just talking. When Chaos challenged Ghost in front of the entire club, I knew I wanted no part of the path the Golden Skulls were going down after the shit we’d already been through. I’ve seen enough blood to last me a lifetime,” Bayou muttered, then said, “Threw my cut down, right then and there.”

“I did the same,” Viper added. “Men, I’d called brothers for years, looked at me as if I was the enemy. Told us both that we were fucking pussies and didn’t deserve to wear the patch.”

“Does Ghost have any idea who it was that killed Reaper?” Montana asked, looking at me.

“No,” Bayou answered, “But I think he suspects. If he does, he is keeping that information close to the vest. The brothers with ol’ ladies are keeping them and the kids away from the clubhouse. Sandman moved Sunny, Jax, and Soleil out of the compound. He bought property close to Bullseye. That fucker hasn’t said shit since they found Reaper’s body.”

“Who is still loyal to Ghost?” Mercy muttered, looking at me.

“Bullseye, Sandman, Ravage, Slaughter, Digger, Matrix and Ink. The rest are with Chaos. Even the prospects sided with that brown-noising fuck.”

“What about Jason?” I asked, remembering he showed up right before I left with Linsey.

“You mean Babyface. He and Chaos are tight. Chaos knew that if he wanted to make a play for the club, he would need a descendant. As Arsenal’s son and the nephew of Nitro, Babyface gives Chaos the in to challenge Ghost for President.”

“He’d have better luck with Savage on his side.”

Viper chuckled. “That ain’t gonna happen. Savage is staying the fuck away. With Jessica still recovering from surgery and the twins still in the hospital, Savage wants nothing to do with the mess at the clubhouse. He was pretty vocal about it, too. Making damn sure everyone understood, to leave him the fuck alone.”

“If memory serves,” I whispered, twirling my bottle of beer on the table, “Only a descendant of the Original Seven can hold the Presidency. That means only Bullseye or Sandman can sit in the president’s seat.”

“And both are refusing,” Bayou stated.

“What about Satan’s Angels?” Montana asked.

Bayou grimaced. “Those sick fucks know shit is disintegrating quickly and have taken it upon themselves to keep the fire burning. They do constant drive-by’s and sent an emissary to speak with Chaos. They are looking for a path into Tennessee. Since Chaos worked with them before, he’s taken it upon himself to broker some kind of fucking deal, which has further divided the club. Look Vicious, we didn’t come here to dump all this shit on you. Just wanted to see a brother and maybe rest for a bit before we get back on the road.”

“And you two are welcome to stay,” Montana said, getting to his feet, “Nomads are always welcome in my home. Mercy, please show the men to a room and call down to the kitchen and get them something to eat. Stay as long as you need. Consider my house, your house.”

Bayou and Viper got to their feet. Each shaking Montana’s hand, thanking him for his hospitality. When my brothers left with Mercy, Montana sat back down and grinned. “You know what this means, right?”

I nodded.

Yeah, I did.

If the Golden Skulls didn’t get their shit together soon, I was bound by blood to help the Soulless Sinners acquire a new chapter for the club.



It was close to dinnertime when Vicious, Montana, and I walked back into the penthouse to find visitors waiting for us. I had a good time while out with Vicious and remembered how much I enjoyed riding with him. With everything we did and saw, I think that was what I enjoyed the most, the freedom of being on the back of his bike. Sitting there behind him as he weaved in and out of traffic, I didn’t have time to think about anything else. It was just the two of us against the world. The wind in our faces, no worries, no kids, nothing but just us. Even when our day got cut short, I wasn’t upset. Seeing Bayou and Viper, I knew for whatever reason they were here wasn’t good. Yet, I didn’t mind. That brief time with him did a world of good. I felt as if I was ready for anything.

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