Page 3 of A Little Bit Crazy

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Our fingers touch, and a tingle races up my arm and down my spine. My gaze locks with hers, and I wonder if she felt it too.

“I’m Rhett,” I say when the silence has stretched between us for too long.

“Let me call my insurance company,” she says and she turns away from me.

I want to call her back, to feel her name on my lips, to have her eyes and attention back on me, but she’s already grabbed her phone.

I guess maybe she can’t feel this connection between us after all.



This is just my luck.

My day was already a flaming disaster, but sure, let’s add a car accident to the mix.

I had just left my parents’ house, where they once again tried to force one of their friends’ kids on me. It’s still been an adjustment getting used to my parents actually taking an interest in me. They had sent me off to boarding school when I was a tween, and before that, a long string of nannies took care of me.

Now that I’m older, they seem to have remembered that they have a child. Unfortunately for me, they only seem to care about who they can marry me off to. It apparently has to be one of their boring friends’ spawn. I’m sure they think the world would fall apart if I happened to marry outside of our social class.

Unfortunately for them, I’m not interested in anyone that they set me up with. I want to marry for love. Besides, I’m not interested in settling down right now or dating. I just got out of college, and I’m excited to be starting this next chapter in my life. I want to focus on building my career.

I might just change my mind though if my parents’ had tried to set me up with someone like Rhett.

I shouldn’t be ogling the poor guy. I mean, I just rear-ended him. He looks tired, and I’m sure he was anxious to get home before I derailed that.

Still, what would it be like to be with a guy like that? One who looks like he stepped off the cover of a magazine.

Black hair matches the rest of his outfit, but it’s his eyes that draw me in. They’re a dark blue, and they just seem so insightful, like he can see right through me.

I wonder where he’s from. I wonder what he does for a living. I’d love to photograph him. I’d do color pictures only so that I can capture his tan skin and those beautiful eyes.

He’s wearing a pair of black camo pants and a plain black t-shirt. He looks like he’s in the military, and I bite my bottom lip as my eyes caress all his muscles.

“Marines?” I blurt out, and he blinks.

“No, Navy.”


“Yep, what gave it away?”

“The fifteen-pack,” I tell him, and he laughs, looking down at his abs.

I can just make out the ridges through his shirt, and my mouth waters at the sight.

“Policy number,” comes a voice in my ear, and I startle.

“Uh, just a second.”

I fumble with the insurance card and hurry to read off my policy number. I had completely forgotten that I was on the phone with them. I was too distracted by Rhett.

He’s smiling knowingly at me now, and I realize I showed him my cards when I mentioned his abs. Now it’s obvious that I was checking him out.

I can’t help but compare him to the man my parents had picked for me today. Tripp. What a pretentious name. It suited him to a T.

The guy was a classic frat boy type, popped-up collar and all. We have nothing in common. Well, nothing except rich parents.

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