Page 14 of Frost Wolf

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“Yana, you need to see them. Come on.”

His hand was still wrapped around my wrist. How could I say no, even though I didn’t feel like seeing any bodies? He led me to the exam room.

Two bodies lay on the twin stainless-steel tables in front of me. One was covered with a clean sheet. The other was exposed. Karl had clearly been working on it. He blocked the body from my view, but I could see it was badly mangled.

Karl let go of my hand. “You don’t get sick easily, right? You’re a surgery nurse.”

I nodded, and he stepped away, offering me a full look at the carnage.

The mangled corpse belonged to a male. The body was torn apart. Pieces of the victim’s face were missing, and it looked as if someone or something had bitten him repeatedly and pulled off chunks of meat right from the bone.

“Wow!” I said it before I could go on with my thoughts.

“Animal attack. See this chunk missing from the guy’s neck? Whatever did this not only ripped out his throat, but look at this.”

Karl pointed to the portion of the spine that was visible where pieces of the neck were gone. He pulled a glove on his hand, grabbed his tweezers, and showed me white splinters.

“See here? It crushed his vertebra. That’s amazing. From the teeth prints I took, it looks like a wolf bit the poor guy. But a wolf doesn’t have the strength to crush the spine. It must have been something bigger, stronger.”

“Werewolf.” The words escaped me.

Karl turned toward me and laughed. “Good one. But look at this.”

He placed his fingers on the corpse’s eyelid. I took a step back.

“No worries, Yana. He’s dead. Besides, I’ll protect you.”

Just as I was about to tell Karl where he could take that and stick it, he pulled the eyelids open . They were black. Pitch black, with no white left, no iris, no visible pupil.

“Could it be from the shock?” he asked.

“No, this is not natural. It shouldn’t happen.”

“Have you ever seen something like this?”

“They look like demon eyes.”

Karl whistled. “Are you into all that stuff?”

“Me? No. I likeSupernatural, but that’s it.”

“Nothing wrong with that. I likeThe Walking Deadand am still waiting for the zombie apocalypse. In this case, it must be a new drug or something like that. And look at this.”

He lifted the cover from the second body. This one had suffered a worse fate than the first. A huge, gaping hole replaced where his heart and lungs should be. The corpse’s chest was like a crater, a huge dark hole with pieces of broken bone sticking out at awkward angles. His face was pale because there was no blood left. My eyes scanned the face and body. That’s when I noticed that his fingers looked more like claws, dark and sharp.

The coffee was about to return from my stomach , so I turned away from the body. I wasn’t proud of myself.

“Look at this. Same eyes.” Karl failed to notice my moment of weakness.

“Do you know who they are?”

“No, they had no ID. Probably some of the college kids from Blackmore out to party.”

I took another look. Both were male, but there was something surreal about their faces. They looked like supermodels. Too perfect. Too flawless.

“Do the police have any clues?” I asked.

“They found them at the edge of the forest, you know, close to the old mill. The place looked like a bloodbath. Stupid kids got high and were mangled by an animal.”

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