Page 15 of Frost Wolf

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Karl started poking around the bodies. I used that as my cue to leave.

“Karl, please let me know when you have the results of the blood sample. I would love to stay and chat, but I need to get to work. My shift is about to start.”

“Don’t be a stranger, gorgeous.”

“Thanks for the coffee and….” I trailed off. Could I say thanks for showing me the demon bodies? That would have sounded weird, even in my book.

Karl walked behind me. His presence was unpleasant, but I had to act as if I was okay with him being that close to me.

“I know you’re an independent woman, but call me if you ever get scared or need someone. Okay?”

“Thanks, Karl. I will.” I couldn’t tell him that being with him was creepy as fuck, and that I’d rather take my chances with the wolf or whatever it was that fucked up those guys that bad.

Was Soren an evil creature that mangled kids for kicks?

He used a weapon to convince me to stitch him up, but he was not violent. He didn’t hurt me. Even when he held my wrist, he was strong but tender. Remembering that, I touched my wrist where he held me. I could feel his warmth. He can’t be evil. But what if he is evil?

Between meeting Soren and what Karl showed me, I was sure things happened here in Prudence, supernatural things. The lump in my throat moved to my chest and decided to lodge itself there.



I arrived for my shift sooner than expected. Work was always a good distraction. It’s easy when one loves what they are doing, and I love being a nurse.

“Hey girl, you’re early,” Aly chipped in from behind me as I put my things behind the nurses’ station. She was about to leave the night shift.

“I couldn’t sleep.”

Aly was nice. We bonded over our shared hatred for the cafeteria food and the fact that we packed our lunch, but I don’t know her well enough to tell her what happened last night. I didn’t want her to be exposed if I was in danger.

She stopped in front of me. “You look as if you had a long night.”

“Yeah. Damn storm kept me awake.” It was only a half lie, and I felt okay telling her that.

“You need a hot guy to keep you awake. Remember the hot resident from Peds, the one I had my eye on? Guess who came to see me last night?”


If I was being honest, I didn’t remember the resident from Peds but, if she was happy, who was I to rain on her parade?

“He walked all the way here to bring me coffee. And we did it.”

“You slut,” I whispered and smiled. She was blushing and happy.

“I am. Oh God, but it was so good. Sometimes it's awkward if it’s your first time with someone, but we just knew. We understood each other. He threw me a look, and I… oh God.”

It was easy to talk to Aly because she did most of the talking.

“Aly, is this the guy you said was engaged.”

She pressed both of her hands over her mouth. “I am a huge slut. I just couldn’t stop myself. Damn, so sorry. I forgot about you and your husband.”

“Ex-husband. And I don’t blame you or anything. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

She pulled her phone out. “I’ll text him now.”

We sat, and she texted the doctor. He replied fast, and she pressed her hands on her chest.
