Page 35 of Frost Wolf

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Soren wrapped me in his strong embrace. I leaned into it. It made my heart flutter. I felt like home for the first time since Granny died. Inhaling his scent calmed my rapidly beating heart.

“I have the morning shift. I need to get up early.” It was the first thing that crossed my mind. To be honest, I couldn’t remember what shift I was working today.

“It’s all good, gorgeous. You’re scared. Call me. You have my number.”

Soren kissed me deeply again.

“I don’t have your number.”

“You do. I put it in your phone. You’ll find it under Wolf.”

He nibbled on my neck. I had to press my knees together hard.

“I gave you a bunch of information. You are my mate, and I fucking adore you. I gave up on you once, I refuse to lose you a second time.”

I searched his face for signs of lies, but all I could find was pain and heartache.

Soren kissed me softly on my lips, pulled the jacket closer to me, and turned his back to leave. When the door made a reassuring click, I exhaled. All I wanted was a hot night with this hot guy. Parts of me yelled that this could not be real, that he was playing me, but why? He was the type of man who could pick and choose his women. Why would he lie to me?

I was all alone inside the house. Naked, feeling cold and self-conscious.

With only his jacket on my shoulders, I jumped off the washer and threw my wet clothes into the machine.

Spike rubbed himself against my feet.

“Spike, what is going on with my life, huh?”

I grabbed a bag of potato chips and walked upstairs to get a fresh pair of sweatpants and a shirt. There is an order of priorities, potato chips first, clothes second. Later, I snuggled in front of the TV, my mind blank, trying to sort through it all.

As soon asSupernaturalcame on and I was through half a bag of potato chips, with Spike cuddled up to me, I allowed my mind to check through the facts.

“I have a mate, a damn Fated Mate. That’s like the one, right Spike?”

Granny knew I had a damn Fated Mate and asked him to leave. Plus, it looks as if all the women in my family had a Fated Mate. And wait, if I have a wolf father and a wolf grandfather, am I a wolf, too?

My first instinct was to move my hand under my sweatpants and check if my legs were hairier than usual. My palms were greeted by the usual stubble that I always encounter on my legs.

“When did I shave the last time, Spike?”

My kitty purred.

“You don’t have a care in the world, do you?”

The phone vibrated.

You’re not a wolf.

I stared at the words on the screen. The message was from Wolf.

I texted back:

How did you know?

I was sure it’d be the first thing that would bother you. Our females are not Wolves. They are human, but they are meant to be with us and protect the young.

My heart froze at the mention of young.

I can’t have kids.
