Page 66 of Frost Wolf

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“Yes. Did Granny know?”

“No. I didn’t face her. I couldn’t. The pack kept my secret. It was better that way. I hoped she’d be the last of the line to carry the curse.”

I took a sip of the drink and raised my shoulders. “What curse.”

“This. Being mated to one of us is a curse. The Demons find out about our mates, and you live a dangerous life.”

“I choose Soren. I’m okay with the danger.”

“Your mother said the same thing, and to the gods, I loved her. My heart burned for her. I loved her so much it made my soul sing. Not even decades of pain could erase her face from my mind. When I returned, I still remembered her name but often forgot mine. Mia was my heart, and I was selfish. I had control. I should have left her alone. She needed a human life, not me, not this.”

“That’s your opinion. At least you gave her a chance to decide.”

“I did. My mistake.” Alistair grabbed both of my wrists. He pulled my face close to his. His hot breath burned me. “You are flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. I don’t want to see you broken.”

“But you broke me already. I prefer my father dead instead of a coward. You are a coward, and you disgust me.”

I pulled my hands away from his large paws.

Alistair took the bottle and threw it against the wall. The glass splintered. The smell of the alcohol filled the kitchen.

“Leave, now.”

Before I could say the words twice, a blood-covered hand grabbed Alistair by his throat and pushed him against the wall.

“The fuck is wrong with you, Alistair?”

Soren was covered in blood. He wore only a pair of jeans stained with the same blood. His fingers elongated to claws, ready to shred Alistair to pieces.

“He was just leaving.” I said the words with ice in my voice.

The turmoil in my head and my chest roared too loudly for me to make sense of much.

Soren let Alistair go, and the wolf slumped to the ground.

“Bring him in,” Alistair barked to the twins.

I detected the sharp coppery scent first. My eyes locked on all the blood. They all were covered in blood. I had never felt like this before. My mind was fully disconnected from my body. All I could see was my broken life.

My so-called father slumped on the floor against the wall, his huge blue eyes looking at me and my mate. He had a wild look in his eyes, burning me, sending daggers into my mind and soul. And Will, who bled from so many wounds, slumped against Gunnar and Gunter.

“What’s wrong?”

“They cut him and poisoned him with silver,” Torin answered.

“Put him on the table. Gunnar, go upstairs and get me towels from the cabinet. Under the sink in the bathroom is an IV set. Bring it.”

After barking orders, I leaned over Will, who tried to open his eyes. I liked the nerdy wolf.

His eyes fluttered open and closed again.

“Will.” I took his hand, trying to assess his state. Most of the cuts were deep but didn’t look life-threatening. Still, they bled.

“Yana, sorry. I’m bleeding all over your place.”

“Good, you’re awake. We’ll fix you.”

His jaw clenched and he released a pained sigh. “It hurts so bad.”
