Page 49 of Vicious Bargain

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I go to a map spread out on the table and point to where I’d found Amber. “Gunther is holed up in a mine shaft to the south. We’ll meet with Amber, ask her about the setup, radio for backup, and enact the plan. Hopefully, Gunther will accept terms.”

“And if he doesn’t?” Selina asks.

“We’ll make them wish they were never born.”

“How do you know Amber is being honest?” she replies.

“Because I know she wants what’s best for her boy. Same with you and Jayne.”

Selina frowns, and I know it’s because she hates that Amber has suddenly become so relatable.

“It’s time to rope in Amber.”

The entire way back to my tent, Amber lurks in the back of my mind, whispering promises of blissful happiness not meant for me.

But what if I’m wrong? Why punish myself any more than I already have? Any more than the world has?

We enter the tent, and the first thing I notice is that it’s lacking one crucial element: Amber.

“Looks like she flew the coop,” Selina says with a hint of snark in her tone.

Sadness hollows my heart. “She wouldn’t…”

I look around the tent, not that there’s anywhere for her to hide.

She’s gone. She didn’t trust me to bring her boy back…if there ever was a boy. She may have lied about that, too.

“Now we have nothing to trade for Georgia,” Dane says.

My eyes fall on the table where a bowl of soup is sitting out, still steaming.

“She didn’t want to leave.”

Selina places a hand on my shoulder. “I know you had feelings for her, but she was wild.”

“There’s a mole in this camp, and they took her.” I point to the bowl. “Amber was starving. She wouldn’t have left without eating. Not if she didn’t have to.”

“Jesus, old man. Did you really think Amber was hot for your dick?” He grabs the bowl of soup and takes a bite.

“What’s that?” Blake picks up a piece of paper that was placed underneath the bowl.

I take it, reading the words scrawled across it.

Russ & Cole: You have four hours to vacate the farm. It’s mine now. If you fail to comply with my demands, there will be consequences and I cannot guarantee the safety of Georgia or the lovely Doctor Christine.

I blink,rereading the message. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?”

Blake takes back the note, and the others read it.

“Well, shit,” Dane drawls.

“Get Russ,” I deadpan.

Dane obeys without question, because he knows better than to set me off at a time like this. When I’m so close to completely losing it.

Blake paces a circle, his muscles tight and tense. “We need Christine,” he snaps, grabbing a water bottle from the table and chucking it against the tent wall.

I can’t say I blame him for his frustration, because things just got much worse for the women of the Keep, Selina in particular.
