Page 50 of Vicious Bargain

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But I can’t let despair sink in.

“Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time.”

“Don’t give me that shit!” Blake barks.

I narrow my eyes on him. “I’ll get Christine back, Amber too, her boy, and Georgia. Just give me a goddamn minute to get my thoughts together.”

Dane escorts Russ in. The old man’s eyes are pure fury.

“I will not have you commanding or summoning me in front of my men.”

“Where’s Irma?” I growl.

He shrugs. “Back at the house?”

“I know where she’s at.”

Russ’s brow pinches together. “Then why ask me?”

I hand him the note.

His mouth opens like he’s about to cuss at me, but no words come out.

“She brought Amber and Christine to Gunther.”

“Not Irma.” Russ shakes his head slowly.

“I asked her to bring Amber a bowl of soup because she was hungry, and I come back to an untouched bowl and that note. You’re a smart man, Russ. I think you know how to put two and two together.”

Russ’s face falls. “But why would she do that?”

“If I had to guess, she was never your girl. Women are tricky, and they feel too much with their hearts. Often for the wrong people.”

“Jesus Christ!” Russ drags his fingers through his hair. “She…she took Georgia.”

“I’d do a roll call right the fuck now, because she didn’t act alone. I’ll radio back to my men and have them ready.”

“So that’s it? We’re going to fucking war?” Russ says, dazed.

“We,” I point at him, then myself, “are not. You are going to evacuate the farm. Take your people to the other setup while me and my men handle this.”

“Not without me, you aren’t!”

“We need Gunther to believe you’re playing along. That Georgia is worth losing the farm over.”

“Why start a war over this? There are other farms. Other places to go. It’s not worth risking Georgia.”

Selina chuckles sardonically. “Do you really think they’ll give you what you want if you roll over?”

“She’s right,” I say. “Men like Gunther only know how to take.”

He mulls over my words, nodding his head in agreement. “Fine, I’ll have my people go to the other base, but you have to promise to take me and my top men with you.”

“It’s not a bad idea, boss,” Blake says. “This really is an all hands on deck situation.”

I frown, wondering if they’ll help or hinder the mission, but mutter, “Fine,” I look over at Dane. “Radio base. Tell Gage his sister’s been taken. Have them come ready.”

“On it.”
