Page 29 of Burn Baby Burnt

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Day 207

Chocolate cake doesn’t taste the same without you.

I hate it now.

–your heartbroken girl, Dix

Fuck, thishurts.I make a mental note to buy a chocolate cake for the plane, tossing the offensive letter aside. My Dixie, my poor heartbroken girl was suffering so much and I couldn’t figure out how to save her.If you would have sent a letter, hell, a damn text… shit, I would have come, baby. I couldn’t force you and live with myself, and I should have just gone with my gut.

Day 289

I haven’t been able to keep a plant alive.

They hate me for what I did to you.

Maybe I hate me too.

–your plant killer, Dix

I realize I’m crying as beads of tears hit the paper in my hands. Glutton for punishment, I toss it, and find another.

Day 318

Nearly a year.

Without a soul for 318 days. How pathetic am I?

My eyes burn when I cry, and it gives me a headache. Yet I still can’t stop watching Will and Louisa.

I still love you. I love you so hardcore babe.

–your soulless love, Dix

Day 365

Today has been the worst day I’ve ever lived. I thought about giving up. Actually giving up. I’m worse than Will Traynor. I’m worse than anyone. I wish you could read my mind and force me to tell you the truth.

I want to come home.

So. Fucking. Badly.

I love you, Jasper Aroselyn.

Always will.

–your dollface, Dix

I got borderline deadly drunk on this day, trying not to think of her. All I fucking wanted was to be cuddled up with her, watching one of her movies, tossing popcorn at each other. She’d lick the butter off of her fingers, sucking each digit to play with me as if she needed to seduce me. She could ask and I’d rush to give her exactly what she needed.

Day 439

I hate myself and I hate journalism.

I'm studying the stupid subject because I need money and can’t keep a plant alive.

College is disgusting and I despise it. Loathe it, really.

I just want you.
