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I kept looking at Drake, waiting for a response.

“It was dumb of me to approach Crisp.”

“Are you pissed off with me? Can we survive?”

“Let’s see if we get through this in one piece, then we can start the therapy sessions.”

His cutting tone hurt. “Fuck, Drake, you don’t have to be so sarcastic.”

“At the moment, all I can think of is making sure we make it out alive.”

As he swerved abruptly, I was thrown forward and had to grip the dashboard. And the next minute, we heard a crash.

“Shit, he missed the turnoff and ran into a fucking tree.” Drake stopped the car.

“What are you doing?” I frowned.

“He could need help.”

“What? Hello. He’s been chasing us. He’s probably got a gun. And if he’s still alive, he’ll kill us.”

Looking like he’d just run over a cat, poor Drake rubbed his head and face, puffed loudly, then restarted the engine and drove off.

Merivaleduringtwilighthada fairy-tale look about it, and as we drove through those swirly iron gates, I sighed with relief.

“We’re home.”

“You’re home.”

I turned to look at Drake, who hadn’t said a word since that accident.

“Hey,”—I touched his arm—“it’s not your fault that he crashed. And it’s not mine.”

He pulled up at the carpark, among SUVs, electric cars, and my favourites—the vintage collection of sports cars, which Cary had taken to driving around.

He stepped out of the car, and normally, he would open my door, but I let myself out. He looked pale.

I took his hand. “Drake.”

I noticed tears in his eyes and held him, not wishing to let him go. I wanted to absorb his pain. “I’m so sorry.”

After a while, I separated. “I can’t lose you.” It was the rawest and most honest I’d ever been. Because, as I held those dark-blue eyes pooling with tears, I became something more than just a love-struck girl. I wanted to cradle that beautiful man in my arms like a mother might her son.

He wiped his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”

My heart bloomed. “Does that mean you forgive me?”

Brushing his hair off his forehead, he smiled sadly. “I never blamed you. I was the one who blackmailed him. Remember?”

I took his hand. “Come on. Let’s go inside, then.”

I rang the bell, and when Janet opened the door, I gave her a big smile and almost hugged her.

“Is Grandmother here?”

She nodded.

My grandmother was in her office with Crisp when we arrived. I gave him the dirtiest look I’d ever given anyone.
