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Her wince wasn’t lost on me. That was the most emotion she’d shown during that entire session.

“Both vans?” Declan asked.

“The other was parked at the back of Salon, but I saw nothing.”

“Okay. I want you to be the eyes of comings and goings.”

“I’ll do my best.” I rose. “Um… what if he doesn’t want me?”

“You risked your life to save him. Heroic acts of the like aren’t easily forgotten.” Caroline gave me a faint smile. “Did you see who fired that shot?”

“Only a black SUV that quickly drove off.”

Declan stood. “Okay then, I think that’s enough for now.” He turned to me. “I’m heading to the farm. We can walk together if you like.”

I left Caroline’s office thinking of Manon and how she would take me not seeing her for a month. My body was already complaining, given how insatiable we’d become.

“Let’s go through the back way. I just want to check on Julian. He’s here having swimming lessons,” Declan said.

As I followed him through that fairy-tale mansion with its coloured rooms, I couldn’t believe the woman I’d lost my heart to lived there.

We stepped out into the courtyard and Bertie bounded over and jumped up to greet me, slobbering on my hand as I patted him.

“Hi there, little fellow.”

Julian wore floaters on his arms, and standing thigh-deep in the pool, Cary held the boy’s hands while Declan’s son kicked his legs.

“Look, Daddy.” Cary let go, and Julian swam, splashing water everywhere, while the corgi raced madly around the pool, barking in response.

I laughed and welcomed the distraction after that intense meeting.

“That’s marvellous,” Declan said.

Cary chuckled. “He’s getting there.”

“You’re doing a great job. Soon we can hit the beach. I just don’t want him going in until he knows what he’s doing.”

“That’s wise,” Cary said. “I went down for a swim this morning, and the currents pushed me out. It took me some time and patience to get back to shore.”

Declan grimaced. “Don’t tell Mother. She’ll freak. There’ve been a few drownings this year alone.”

“Caroline heard. She gave me a scolding.” Cary laughed.

Wewalkedforawhile in comfortable silence, something I found easy to do through that magical forest, where normally, instead of focusing on problems I faced, I would lose myself to nature.

Not so much currently, however, as nagging thoughts followed me.

Namely, Manon. How would she take us not sleeping together for a month? She was insatiable. Would she hook up with someone else?

I hated the idea of anyone going near her, let alone touching her.

That wasn’t normally me. But then, I’d never faced that kind of burning passion for a girl before.

It wasn’t just Manon, though, because the thought of returning to the casino spooked the crap out of me. That close shave had affected me more than I could have imagined.

“We’ll equip you with a bullet-proof vest,” Declan said, synchronising with my thoughts.

“That might be a good idea.” I sniffed. “Who’s the bald guy in the picture?”
