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“Let me bathe you,” I reiterated. He was silent as I lathered the soap into a new loofah. The rooms were stocked regularly with toiletries like soap, shampoo, and loofahs to be disposed of. I rarely used them, but tonight was an exception. Tonight, I think we both needed this.

I lathered the suds over his body, gliding the loofah over his chest and shoulders with painstaking slowness. My opposite hand followed the suds, moving over his chest as I traced the lines of the beautiful artwork there. His chest was inked with a beautiful dragon tattoo done in black and gray, but the realism of the artwork was breathtaking. The dragon’s wings spread across his chest and accentuated his broad shoulders, while the tail coiled down over his abdomen, wrapping around one side down to his hip. It was one of the most beautiful tattoos I had ever seen.

“Your touch…” he muttered, taking a deep, shaky breath.

“Too much?”

“No.” The word was spoken almost desperately, as though he were afraid I would stop. His hand covered mine, stopping the loofah’s trajectory for a moment while we simply existed in the moment together. “Please don’t stop.” His voice was thick with emotion as he released my hand, allowing me the freedom to continue bathing him slowly.

His body was beautiful; strong and powerful, sculpted but yet somehow understated. To have that strength, that sheer presence, and to be able to gift his submission over to a Dominant such as myself was beyond articulation. There weren’t words in the English language to explain the beauty and the power of such a gift. And he had done so with me tonight, in our first ever scene.

It was impossible to stop my mind from wandering at the thought of what such a gift would, or could look like, after time and experience as partners.

I shook my head quickly to dispel such thoughts. I wasn’t looking for a partner. And I didn’t need another submissive. That was not what this was.

So, why did it feel like tonight had been the start of a trial period for a potential dynamic?

“Turn around,” I asked him quietly. I took my time, bathing every inch of his skin slowly, removing the residue from him. I threw myself into the task, pouring every ounce of care and appreciation I could into my work, until he was clean and rinsed off. Turning the water off, I held out a towel for him, wrapping it around his body for a moment.

He was shivering, though we both knew it wasn’t from the cold. Some submissives felt drop nearly immediately after a scene, especially one as intense as ours was. It was an adrenaline crash of epic proportions.

I dried him off carefully, making sure he was clean, and all the wax was removed. The Dominant in me could not help but take the time to check over his skin, looking for any marks or burns that may have occurred during our play.

We made our way back to the bed, and he laid down with no prompting. I pulled a blanket from the chest in the room, covering him with it before sliding in beside him. Without a word, he turned towards me, curling into me until his head rested on my chest, his arm around my waist as he clung to me.

“You were superb this evening, Septus.”

“You don’t have to say that,” he muttered under his breath.

“Hey,” I said, my fingers finding his chin and tilting his head up until I could see his eyes. “It’s the truth. I have rarely seen such beautiful submission in a scene, let alone in a first time scene between new partners. Your submission, and your obedience, were absolutely breathtaking.”

I spoke from the heart, every word flowing from my lips with pure, unadulterated sincerity.

“You honored me with your obedience tonight and I cannot thank you enough for letting me guide you through it.”

“I loved every minute.” His heavy sigh of contentment warmed me as he melted back into my embrace. My fingers played through his thick hair, feeling sated and complete in a way I wasn’t sure I had ever felt.

I was going to be in trouble with this one.

* * *

“So, how was it?”Danielle’s voice called out literally as soon as I had stepped into the door from the garage into the house.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised to see her at my house at such a late hour.

“She’s been here for two hours, waiting for you. Hello, love.” Jamie greeted me with a hug and a kiss to the top of my head as we made our way down the hallway towards the kitchen. Danielle had made herself at home, as usual, with a glass of wine in her hand.

“Pour me one?” I asked with a heavy sigh.

“Is that a good sigh, or a bad sigh?” Jamie asked, pulling a glass from the cupboard.

“Undetermined.” I slumped onto the barstool at the counter, my face falling into my hands as I groaned.

“I have no idea what’s happening, but I want every detail.” Danielle’s unfettered enthusiasm was infectious, but I couldn’t join her in it. I was riddled with anxiety and thoughts that plagued my mind.

“I can’t give you every detail,” I answered, taking the glass of wine from Jamie’s hand with a nod of thanks.

“Why the hell not?” she asked with a scoff.
