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How did you decide to become poly?

How do you handle jealousy?

How many partners do you have?

How did you get into BDSM?

Could we come to the club sometime?

The Jensen’s in particular pulled Jamie and me aside, opening up to us about their experiences in the swinging community. They told us how nice it felt to find out they had friends in the alternative lifestyle community that they could talk to. Mrs. Jensen and I shared a quiet moment to ourselves, talking about jealousy and how communication worked for Jamie and I. She even invited me over for lunch the next week to talk more in depth, without so many prying eyes and listening ears.

Questions and answers were in high supply all around as the night wore on. Between Jamie, Thatcher, Valen, and myself, we just about talked ourselves hoarse. Thatcher had been right; people surprised me left and right with their questions, their openness, and their acceptance.

More than once during the party, I was nearly brought to tears as people voiced their support of our decision to come out. By the time the party was ending, I felt dead on my feet, and completely relaxed, all at the same time. Gone were the nerves and anxiety from before, replaced with a calm serenity that seemed to envelop me like one of Jamie’s best hugs.

Or Thatcher’s,I thought with a smile.

“What a party!” Jamie sighed as the last of our guests left. Well, other than the lot of us, Danielle included.

“Let’s get to work getting all this cleaned up,” Thatcher said, standing from his seat with a groan.

“Screw the cleanup.” I took a long swig of my beer. “It’ll wait til tomorrow. Let’s head inside where it’s cool.”

“Here, here!” Valen said, saluting me with their raised beer bottle.

“Hey party people!! Wait… where’s the party?” A voice called from the gate.

“Chris, you are late as fuck, my dude!” Jamie laughed, greeting his co-worker.

“Fucking figures. You have no time management.” Valen muttered with a sigh.

“Outside of work. At work, I’m a god. What can I say?” Jamie handed him a beer as he walked up the steps of the patio to join us.

“We were just heading inside where it’s cool, Chris. Oh, and welcome to our home.” I greeted our new guest. I hadn’t seen Chris in probably a year, but it didn’t matter. Especially not tonight.

We all situated around the dining room table, sighing as we relaxed into our seats.

“So, how was the party?” Chris asked as we all settled into our seats around the dining room table.

“Eventful.” Valen commented.

“It was good, Chris. Thank you for asking. Though a little dramatic for a moment.” I added with a smile.

“Dramatic? It was worthy of an Oscar. The way Mrs. Snyder stormed out of here after calling all of you swingers? And then no one followed after her? Poetic. Absolutely stunning. Five stars from the most stingy of critics! Brava!” Danielle made her opinions known in true Danielle fashion: loud, proud, and full of dramatic flair.

“And who are you?” Chris asked with more than a little interest in the way he looked at my dear friend.

“The name is Danielle Jacobs. My friends call me Danielle, and my fans call me D. Jacobs,” she said with a fanciful bow that reminded me of Jester.

“Wait a sec. I know that name. D. Jacobs, like, the author?” Chris asked, shocked.

“The one and only!”

“Well, slap my ass and call me Charlie! No shit?”

“No shits. But slapping asses is Sadie’s thing, and I thought your name was Chris.” Danielle’s sharp wit and pure sass looked like a match in the making for Chris, especially when I saw the way his eyes moved over her like a hungry man before a meal.

“You’re a character,” she said with a scoff.
