Page 107 of Endless

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I faced the mock dance floor and realized the music was slower now.

“Slow songs are easier,” he whispered against my ear. Warm breath sent a rush of goose bumps down my neck.

“Cool.” I turned us and a few steps got us to the floor.

“Sorry,” he said, but I wasn’t sure why. Until I noticed a tall, skinny guy eying Damon, brows pulled together.

Oh, Damon must have bumped into him.

Damon pulled me to him and started swaying. “Just don’t let me bang into anyone else, okay?”

“You got it,” I said, then smiled at the guy staring Damon down.

The music wrapped around me, and I almost forgot there were tons of people near me. I hung onto Damon like he was a lifesaver, and he was, really. Not only had I had my first day of college, I was at my first college party. This day would go down in history!

“First party, I take it?” Damon whispered.

“High school parties were a little tamer, but I’d been to a few of those. First college party, though.”


“Overwhelming, exciting, smelly.”

“You caught that, too? What is that? Fish?”

“This house isn’t in the best neighborhood, so I’d rather not know what it is.” I hugged him close. “But I’m glad we came. This is fun.”

We swayed to the music, and once again I was lost in Damon. His big, warm arms felt like they’d take care of me no matter what. I loved that feeling.

He stumbled forward, and his grip around my waist tightened. “Hold on.”

Shuffling, he bent his legs and stayed upright, keeping me on my feet. “What—”

“Oh,sss-orry, man. Shit.” A short, stocky guy reached for Damon.

“I’m good,” Damon said. “LizBelle?”

“Okay. But your sunglasses are gone.”

“Dumbass knocked me good. It’s okay.” He turned us with surprising balance, and I settled on my feet. Scanning the floor for his glasses, I held his hand tight.

“Whoa,” a girl said. “You’re that guy from—Lizzie?”

Rayana, the girl from the coffee shop, froze, her gaze bobbing between me and Damon.

“You’re here.” She held her drink to her mouth, but didn’t drink any. “With—”

“My boyfriend,” I said, threading my fingers with Damon’s.

“Nice moves, man.”Hiccup. “Sorry I bumped into you.”

“Whatever, dude. As long as Lizzie stayed upright you’re fine. Otherwise, we would have had issues.”

The guy laughed. Jill joined Rayana and they stared at Damon. Turned out he was right about the sunglasses. Lesser of two evils.

“Um…” Rayana shifted her weight from foot to foot, then said to Jill, “Let’s go. See you later, Lizzie.”

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