Page 19 of Valkyrie's Choice

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“What the fuck?” Heath exclaimed. “So she wasn’t a figment of your imagination?”

“She’s real,” I confirmed, smiling like a fool in love—which was exactly what I was.

“So it was just the wings, the fact that she could fly, and that she saved you from a crashing plane brought on by your concussion?”

“The wings, the flying, and the saving were all real, too.”

There was silence for a few moments, then Heath muttered, “I’m not sure what to say to that. You’ve never lied to me, it’s not in your nature. But at the same time, I don’t want to think that you need to get your head examined again, either.”

I moved my finger on my computer trackpad to wake it up, but I didn’t look at my notes quite yet. “I think you need to come out here and see for yourself. Particularly because I have a business proposal for you.”

Heath scoffed, “Unless your proposal is to bring more clients back with you when you come home, I don’t want to hear it. Do you have any idea the hoops I’ve had to jump through to meet with clients while you’ve been gone?”

“I’m sorry about that, but my proposal could actually solve that problem, too.”

Again, there was an extended silence, then Heath muttered, “I’m listening.”

“I need you to be open-minded and listen to everything I have to say before making a judgment.”

“You know that telling people to be open-minded before you tell them something just makes them even more narrow-minded, right?”

I laughed. “You’ve never been narrow-minded, Heath, or I wouldn’t be in business with you.”

“Good point.”

I looked out the window and blinked a few times, still surprised that nothing in my vision was blurry. “First, my vision is healed. One hundred percent.”

“What? Wait, does this mean you were fucking with me and you’re really coming home?”

“Mouth shut, dude. Wait until I get to the end.”

Heath grumbled something under his breath, then went quiet.

“The thing is, they didn’t heal on their own. This cabin I’m renting is on the outskirts of a small town. I heard rumors about it when I first came here, but it wasn’t until I ran into one of its residents in the forest that I knew they were true.”

I took a deep breath and raised my eyes to the ceiling, knowing that it was unlikely Heath would believe what I said next…at first. “So I was almost trampled by a horse, carrying a headless man and a green-skinned witch.”

Heath burst into laughter, and I waited until it faded away. “You’re fucking hilarious,” he said, his tone thick with sarcasm.

“I wasn’t being funny, Heath. The town, Screaming Woods, is full of monsters. And the forest all around it is also inhabited by monsters. It’s a long story on how it happened. I’ll tell you when I see you next.”

I waited, but this time, Heath refrained from commenting. Hopefully, by the time I was done, he wouldn’t be sitting there stewing about whether or not to have me committed.

“Maggie, the witch—the Wicked Witch of the West, in fact—told me she might have something that could cure eyesight. I was skeptical, but I decided I might as well try it. When I went into town the following day, I met a man who radiated electricity and his lavender-haired wife, who were friends of Maggie’s. But when I arrived at the shop, it was to find that Maggie had also found a solution to my isolation. She found me the perfect woman. Literally, the woman of my dreams.”

“I…What do you want me to say?” Heath mumbled.

“Nothing yet. I’m sending a picture to your phone. Take a look for yourself.”

I texted a picture that I took of Isla and me while we were in the air the day before. It captured the skyline behind us and her magnificent wings.

“Holy shit.”

“She’s drop-dead gorgeous, right?” I grinned.

“Um… Yeah. She’s pretty…sorry, I was distracted by the wings.”

“Understandably,” I chuckled. “Anyway, I am head over fucking heels in love with her.”
