Page 27 of Friend or Foe

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Jane listened to him as the look of shock and surprise didn't seize from her face. At first, she wanted to quit the job, knowing he was involved, but he pleaded with her. Seeing that she was firm in her decision, he convinced her to keep it as the C.E.O. was impressed with her ability.

Before she decided to leave, she offered to help him treat his wound, which he accepted. And just like that, the issue of many years was resolved. She could not wait to let her best friends and parents know about this, but that would be after dealing with herself first by controlling her thoughts.

"Let's go to my department to get first aid," she suggested, heading out first before he said anything else.

Chapter 20:Beautiful Ending

When they left the top floor belonging to Jude and headed towards Jane's department, dusk had already set in and no workers were present as they had closed for the day and retired to their respective homes.

"Nice!" she commented, knowing that Natasha must have called her phone until it ran out of battery. Thinking that she made the sarcastic comment because of him, he decided to apologize again.

"I'm really sorry for keeping you until this time, do…" "That's enough," Jane, who was walking ahead, suddenly stopped, startling Jasper to wonder if he had done anything wrong.

"If you can stop apologizing, I would be VERY glad," she said, putting more emphasis on the word 'very.'

"Ooh!" Jasper exclaimed with a nod.

"Don't apologize to me for the next two years if possible; I've heard enough of it already," she said, wrinkling her nose.

"What if I end up offending you?" he asked.

"Make sure not to offend me then."

Spotting the first aid box, she beckoned him to come closer, and when he did, she tapped on the chair, signaling him to sit.

"It's going to hurt a little," she warned, and he nodded in reply.

"Ouch!" Jasper screamed several times whenever she tried to clean up his wound or cover it up. He felt she used extra force on his injury to make him feel pain, which was true, but he didn't mind; as long as she was close to him, that was all that mattered.

"There you go," she told him after she was done, looking at his face with pride as if she had accomplished a great mission.

"Thank you," Jasper thanked her with a smile. Though his lips were hurting, he still tried to maintain the smile on his face.

"You are such a crybaby," she commented on his shouts of pain in between.

'Whose fault was that? You're such a bully!' he thought in his head but didn't dare to say it out loud.

She had purposefully ignored her phone, and when she went to pick it up, true to her thoughts, it was dead. "An exclusive interview at home," she said out loud, and Jasper could not stop the smile that graced his lips. He understood what she meant by that; that friend of hers was scary.

"Ehm, before you go, can I make a request?" he asked, unsure. Stopping to look at him with impatience in her eyes, she asked,

"What is it?" All she wanted to do at the moment was go home, blabber about today's incident to Natasha before she even asked, eat, take a bath, and sleep like never before.

"Can we be friends?" The fear in his voice was evident, as was his expression. Seeing her look at him for a while without replying, he gave a short, nervous laugh before telling her not to bother about it.

"Sure, we can be friends," she replied at the last minute, making his eyes widen to the size of a saucer. "Sorry, I did that on purpose. We can be friends, okay?" she quickly said before he could ask why she had waited so long.

"Okay, thanks a lot. Can I drop you off then?" he asked.

"Sure," she replied sweetly, surprising Jasper.

At that moment, Jasper looked at Jane like an abandoned kitten looking for shelter or an owner to be loyal to.

"Just like that?" Jasper asked.

"I told you that I've forgiven you. Do you still want me to hold a little grudge and start acting grumpy?"

"No, that's not it."
