Page 27 of Bone

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Her body was lean and muscular, something he wasn’t a fan of. He liked women plump and full. That bitch Londyn was going to have to put on some weight to make him happy. He needed to find her. The woman on the sofa moaned, her eyes swollen shut, her face bloodied, black and blue. He gripped her hair, pulling her head back, and she cried out.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered, unzipping his pants. She tried to open, but he laughed, knowing that her jaw was most likely broken. Gripping her jaw, he pried her lips open, her agonizing cries echoing in the house. Slamming his dick into her mouth, it took him only seconds to release in her.

Zipping his pants again, he spat on the woman and turned to the two men.

“Get rid of her and make sure she’s not found.” The two men nodded, his trusted friend walking toward her.

“I’ll take care of it,” he said.

Grabbing a sheet from one of the spare bedrooms, he wrapped the woman up and carried her to the car. He lay her in the backseat and headed toward the city. He could always put her in a dumpster or maybe just leave her at the back of a bar in an alleyway.

Looking back at her, something tugged at his gut. She was someone’s sister. Someone’s daughter. Maybe she was someone’s mother or wife. Chewing on his fingernails, he drove aimlessly around the city, then back toward the hospital district.

Parking near the emergency room parking, he waited until several ambulances were outside the entrance. When everyone seemed to be inside, he carried the body toward one of the vehicles and lay her on a stretcher in the back.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

Leaving the door open, he moved back to his car and waited.

As EMTs walked out, one of them pointed toward the back and screamed for help.

“Who the fuck is she?” growled the doctor.

“No clue,” said the EMT. “We had one victim, and he’s inside. I don’t know who this is.”

“Get her inside. She’s a fucking mess,” he said.

They disappeared into the emergency room, and he let out a long slow breath. With any luck, they’d be back in Houston by the time anyone figured out who she was or before Cisco realized he didn’t dump her body. He just couldn’t. Not anymore.

The entire drive back to the house, his head was spinning. All the bodies, all the death. Family, friends, neighbors, all gone because of the violence spread by the Perez family. There was no one left for him. No one.

He thought about just driving, not looking back. They wouldn’t know he was gone for hours. No. No, he needed to get back and try his best to stop the killing.

Somewhere along the way in the last twenty years, he’d developed a conscience. He heard the lessons of his childhood of what good looks like. He didn’t need any help in realizing what bad looked like. Cisco displayed that every day.

He wasn’t sure why, but he returned to the house, walking in to find Cisco and Berto shoveling food in their faces. The dead dog was gone, the blood smell still prominent in the room.

“What the fuck took you so long?” asked Cisco.

“I needed to find a place where she wouldn’t be found. This city is crowded,” he said, walking to the sink and washing his hands. The two men stared at him, but he didn’t even care any longer. Cisco sat back, wiping his face as he stared at his friend.

“I wanna find Londyn,” he said, staring at the two men.

“We haven’t been able to find her anywhere,” said Berto. “That big guy carried her away. She wasn’t admitted to a hospital. We can’t find any dental offices where she might be working. There’s no sign of her anywhere.”

“She didn’t fucking disappear. I want that cunt, and I want her this week. We need to get home.”

“We’ll find her,” said Berto, staring at the other man. He kicked him beneath the table, and he nodded.

“Yea, don’t worry, Cisco. We’ll find her.”


“You can’t do this,” said Londyn, shaking her head at Bone. “It’s crazy! Do you have any idea what you’re walking into?”

“We have a fairly good idea,” smirked Bone.

“This isn’t funny, Ty! You guys are used to fighting men who have at least some measure of scruples. Perez and his gang do not. They’re dirty all the way. They fight dirty. They play dirty. They love dirty. That is, if they even know how to love. They won’t care if your back is turned; they will shoot you in the back. In fact, that’s what they prefer.” She paced around the living room, shoving her hair from her face.
