Page 48 of Corrupt Justice

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“For what? Likin’ my own name on my nephew?” Hen asked.

Killion handed Wit and Hen a bottle each to feed the babies. “No. For calling me handsome.”

“I called the kid handsome,” Hen corrected.

“Yeah? He looks just like me. So thanks. Now hand off my children to my sisters, and let’s get to work.”

Killion leaned down and wrapped his hands around the back of Rainy’s neck and kissed her on the head. In a low timbre, he asked. “You okay? Do you need anything?”

She ran her hand down his arm and rested her forehead against his. “I’m good. Promise. You?”

“I got this,” he said in her ear and kissed her again. “I’m right here if you need me.”

“Ditto,” she said as he nodded and went back to the other side of the room for an update.

C.T. set his phone on the oversized table. “I just got off the phone with Detective Payne over at PD, and she’s got the gunshots handled. She’s got our backs.”

Oftentimes, when danger came to town on their own streets, BK Security relied on their allies within the local law enforcement to help smooth over any chaos in town they were a part of in order to remain anonymous.

“I picked up two more,” Relay hollered out to the group. “Both drones are already a few miles outside city limits.”

“Follow them,” Killion instructed.

“Already on it. I deployed the BK drones the minute we heard there was an assault. They’re already in pursuit, and I sent coordinates to the teams on the ground for recovery because I fully intend on blowing those sons of bitches right out of the sky.”

“We’re in the cage with the downed drones and secure,” Brody said through the central comms in the Lair. “Flip on your camera if you want to watch this go down.”

“Where are they?” Rainy asked as multiple views of Cane and Brody appeared on the screens on the wall.

“The cage is the ballistics room. It’s where they build and dismantle anything that could… blow.” Ayelish shared. “Hence the bomb suits. If there’s a self-destruct feature on those, it could blow at any time. If the drones are armed, same goes.”

“They’re literally dealing with a ticking time bomb,” Rainy answered. “That’s in this building?”

Ayelish nodded. “In the underground garage. Designed just for what they’re about to do. We’re all safe no matter what they encounter.”

“It’s going to take several hours to get this thing completely apart so Relay can track GPS, analyze video feeds, but...” Cane said, looking up at the camera. “It was weaponized.”

“Of course, it was.” Killion crossed his arms across his chest and began to pace the floor.

“There’s more,” Cane warned. “It’s… one of ours.”

“Wh-what does that mean?” Rainy questioned.

Killion turned to her. “It’s my design. I made it.”

“So it was stolen BK Security and used against you?” Rainy asked.

“No. Ours are all accounted for and in operation,” Killion said. “That one… was sold to the DOD, and I’m guessing they all were.”

“Affirmative,” Relay added. “I have a confirmed alert from the DOD. Five were stolen and at large. Haven’t been able to track them in order to recover them.”

“Five stolen militarized and weaponized drones I designed show up outside my balcony, and this is the first we’re hearing they were stolen, to begin with?” Killion fumed. “This is a matter of national security, and I’m the guy on the contract who can find them. The bullshit surrounding this is deep. Get Carter on that and see what he can dig up and who to hold accountable at the DOD. Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of military equipment doesn’t just fall through the cracks unnoticed. Someone could’ve been hurt or worse.”

“If it’s any consolation,” Relay chimed in. “They probably didn’t deploy a payload because they didn’t know how to access that piece. Still not great, but it’s something.”

“Until they do figure it out. They were sophisticated enough to steal them and leave them untraceable, they’ll figure out how to fire on their targets, and people can die… because of me.”

“But nobody was hurt,” Rainy pleaded, attempting to ease Killion’s mind. “Everyone is fine.”
