Page 26 of Catching a Cowgirl

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He stiffened. “What?”

“Youcouldn’tcare less.” Shane snapped his mouth shut. “Not the time. I get it.” He swallowed again. “Just pick a fight and I’ll pay you.”

“Why?” Wade’s eyes narrowed. “You have a thing for Miss Callahan?”

Shane pressed his lips together firmly. “I… yes,” he squeaked. “Yes, I do,” he murmured more firmly. “And she’s in there with my cousin. He’s not a good guy, and I know she can do better.”

This time Wade seemed to consider his offer. “And you just want me to scare him a little?”

Nodding, Shane gestured toward the restaurant. “Pick him up and push him up against a wall or something.”

“How much?”


“How much are you going to pay me?”

“Whatever you want.”

Wade’s eyes narrowed. “Why couldn’t you just pay your cousin? Seems like he might be the kind of guy who would take you up on that sort of thing based on how you described him.”

“You make a good point,” Shane let out a strained chuckle. “Except he’s the kind of guy who will keep coming back for more.”

“And what makes you think I won’t do the same?”

Shane blinked. That was another good point. But there was just something different about Wade—something that Shane trusted. “Because you’re a good man.”

Wade’s head reared back, the shock clearly written all over his face, but then he schooled his features. “Fine. I’ll do it. Just this once.”

Relief washed over Shane. “Thank you.”

“I’m not doing it for you,” he muttered. “And I don’t want anything either. You gave my family enough money to keep our property. Call us even.” He spun on his heel and headed straight for the restaurant.

Shane watched him until he disappeared inside, then hurried toward his car. He didn’t want to be around when everything hit the fan.

* * *

“What in heaven’sname did youdo?”

Shane slammed his hand down on the paperwork that attempted to float away from the way Brielle stormed into his office. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That’s a load of bull and you know it. What were you thinking?” She paced his office, adding more air circulation than was necessary. “Eloise is furious, you know.”

“Is she as furious as you?”

Brielle stopped, glowering at him. “If you knew what was good for you, you’d shut your mouth right now.”

Shane leaned back in his seat. He hadn’t heard anything regarding the incident he had set up. Not a word from Madeline or Marc. He had almost expected to see them before he had a run-in with anyone else. The fact that Brielle was here surprised him more than he cared to admit. “Do you care to enlighten me?”

Her face turned bright red. “I just got a call from Annabel.”

His brows creased. “I don’t know who that is.”

“Wade’ssister. Does that ring a bell? What do you have to say for yourself?”

He knew better than to admit to anything. For all Brielle knew, Wade had issues with Marc that neither one of them were aware of.

Brielle let out an exaggerated groan. “Seriously? Nothing? I know you were behind this. Annabel had to bail her brother out of county lockup. Thank goodness Marc isn’t pressing charges.” She charged toward his desk and slammed her hands down on the surface. “Now, are you going to tell me what is going on? Iknowyou. This isn’t something you would do without a good reason.”
