Page 85 of Catching a Cowgirl

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Shane rolled his eyes. She still had no idea that he knew about her past. And she never would. That little tidbit of information would remain hidden until she was ready to deal with it in her own way.

The music stopped and she pulled away almost too quickly. She crossed her arms and then jerked her head toward the door of his office. “Okay, go on then. Ask her to dance, and then you can make it official.” The look on her face hinted at a pain she had buried beneath the surface, and all he wanted to do was assure her it would be okay.

Nope. He wasn’t going to do that. She wasn’t his responsibility—not in the same way Eloise was. And Brielle wasn’t the type to accept help, no matter how good of a place it came from. He swallowed and nodded. “Thank you, Brielle.”

She stepped aside. “Just don’t break her heart.”

“Never,” he said as he slipped past her.

The club was filled to the brim. But that was typical for the weekends. The second he stepped into the ballroom, his eyes found her. Eloise chatted with one of her friends who worked in the restaurant. They laughed, and Eloise’s eyes moved across the room until they landed on him. She said something more to her friend, then strode toward him.

Her hands remained behind her back, and she rocked forward onto her toes and back again. “Hey.”


“I thought you’d never get done with your work. It’s nice to see you out of the office.”

He reached for her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “I want to ask you something.”

She cocked her head to the side and her smile lit up her whole face. “I have an idea of what that might be.”

Shane shook his head. “I don’t think you do.”

“It’s like I told you, Shane. I’m already yours—”

“Dance with me.”

Her brows shot up and she let out a little laugh, then sobered just as quickly. “You’re serious?”

He nodded as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The music changed, and she gave him a surprised look. “You’ve been planning this.”

“I had a little help.” He glanced over to where the DJ stood and found Brielle standing beside him.

Eloise’s focus followed the movement and she gasped. “You’re kidding. Brielle?”

He chuckled. “Don’t let her find out you know. She wasn’t too thrilled about helping me in the first place.” Shane led Eloise into a few moves, pleasantly surprised it wasn’t as difficult as he thought it would be.

“She just needs to get off her high horse and accept that Wade is crazy about her,” she said.

“You noticed too, huh?”

Eloise laughed. “Everyone has noticed. Those two have been doing the ‘will-they, won’t they’ dance for far too long. Brielle should stop pushing him away.”

“Maybe she has a good reason.”

She shook her head. “Brielle has been around the block long enough. She knows what she wants. She’s just not willing to take the plunge.”

“Maybe she would if she wasn’t already married.”

Eloise planted her feet and her mouth dropped open. “She’swhat?”

He grimaced. Shoot. That wasn’t supposed to come out. That was what he got for trying to focus on his footwork instead of their conversation. Shane slipped his hand into hers and tugged her toward the doors. “I only found out because Madeline told me.” It wasn’t hard to see that Eloise was connecting the dots on that tidbit of information. This was the secret he’d been trying to keep quiet.


Shane shook his head. “I didn’t recognize the name on the paper, and I don’t remember who it was. It’s not someone who lives here.” It would definitely be best to keep out the fact that the guy was a dancer in Vegas. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Madeline never said whether or not Brielle had filed for divorce. I just didn’t want it getting out. Your father—”

“Oh, he’d blow a fuse if he found out.” Eloise glanced over her shoulder toward Brielle. “That explains so much, though.”
