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“I’m proud of you. I’m proud that you took a stand and told them what they needed to hear. That you took what was yours and they can go back and deal with it. They made their choices in life just like Eddie did.”

“That’s right,” she said. “And my choice now is to move on. To be the person that I’m loving and hope that the man who helped me get there will stay by my side.”

“Always,” he said.

She wouldn’t hold him to the exact word, but she could dream and hope and that is what she was going to do.

Because as difficult as this day had been, she wasn’t sure she could have gotten through it without him by her side.


Two Months Later

The past twomonths everything felt like it was falling into place in Duke’s life. He felt it was for Hadley too.

He’d been planning this for a solid month since the sale was completed for Southside.

He never did like the name but didn’t say he was going to change it since he wasn’t quite sure what he’d change it to.

But last month it finally hit him and he was going in full force and hoped to hell he hadn’t made a huge mistake.

He, Hadley, his parents, Kelsey, Stan and Louisa were standing outside of Southside while the new sign was being lifted into place.

“I’m not sure why you had to have it covered,” Hadley said. “Or why you wouldn’t let me have a hand in designing it. I’ve done everything else for you.”

He knew she was bothered by that, but he’d told her he had it covered. He couldn’t do this if she’d seen it and it was all part of his plan.

“I know,” he said. “But I’ve got a theme going here. One before I met you. It just had to be this way.”

“I guess so,” she said, grinning. She bumped his hip with hers.

Her life was back on track too. Her debt had been paid, and she had a great relationship with her parents now that she finally spoke up.

And he’d heard her too. He was going to let her make her decisions and not try to do it for her. To let her be heard and be there for support only.

“We are excited,” Kelsey said.

His sister knew; she was just yanking everyone’s chain. His parents didn’t know it all, but Kelsey could keep a secret when she needed to.

Stan and Louisa knew part of what was going on today but not all.

His hands were sweating and he just wanted this over with, but he couldn’t do anything until the sign was in place. Tonight was a grand re-opening and he planned on it being crazy busy even for the last Friday of November.

“All set?” he yelled up to the crew in the bucket securing the sign in place.

“We are,” the guy yelled back. “Let us know when you’re ready.”

“In a minute,” he shouted back. Then he turned to Kelsey and said, “Got it?”

Kelsey opened the big purse she always carried and handed him the small Duke’s takeout box. Smaller than normal that he had made special. Stupid on his part, but it played into what he was doing.

“What’s that?” Hadley asked.

“It’s for you,” he said. “Go ahead and open it.”

She laughed at him. “This is your day.”

“Maybe,” he said. “You’ll understand when it’s all done.” He hoped.
