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“What kind of surprise?”

Allie’s arms fell, and her bottom lip pushed out. She had, in Michelle’s opinion, the most adorable, perfect pout of anyone she’d ever seen. “This isn’t how I wanted to tell you.”

“Tell me what, exactly?”

“Well… you know how I asked you to let me plan our Christmas vacation this year?”

Already wondering if she was going to regret agreeing to that, Michelle nodded. “Yes…”

“And it’s been like, for-ev-er since you played as a sub because you refuse to take more than five freaking minutes for yourself?”

Oh, god. “Allie, what did you do?”

“Well, I wanted to do something nice for you and give you a bit of a break, so I planned our vacation at a BDSM resort. Surprise!”

For a long moment, all she could do was stare at Allie’s expectant expression. Of all the places they’d discussed for their Christmas vacation, a kink resort had never even entered into the equation. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you clearly. You booked our vacationwhere?”


The shock on Michelle’s face was either very good, or very, very bad.

Praying it was good, Allie forced a bright smile. “It’s amazing, I promise! And they have all kinds of stuff for Littles, so you don’t have to worry about me while you’re off doing… well, whatever you want, basically.”

Maybe it had been a little selfish of her, but the Littles’ Program had been the main draw of Rawhide Ranch. She’d been insanely curious about it ever since she’d learned about the Ranch in one of her online groups, and she reallydidwant to give Michelle a chance to play with someone else for a bit. Her poor switchy girlfriend never got a chance to embrace the subbie side of her personality these days.

God knew Allie had tried. She really had, but there just wasn’t a dominant bone in her body.

Shock began to give way to curiosity in Michelle’s expression. “So, what do we do at this place? Is there an itinerary?”

“There is!” Rushing over to the dresser, Allie opened her top drawer and pulled out the information packets she’d hidden there. “I’d planned on giving you these tonight, anyway. But look!”

She plopped down on the bed and patted the spot next to her. When Michelle joined her, she opened one of the packets. “It’ll take us a few hours to drive there, but I figured we’d get an early start and stop for breakfast on the way. Then when we get there, we can check in and enjoy the first night together. There are a couple restaurants and the head chef there, Connor Blackburn, is world class. Literally. Like, I’m pretty sure he’s won awards and stuff.”

“Allie… this is insane.” But Michelle was already flipping through the packet, the longing on her face so clear it was nearly painful to see. “Can we afford this?”

“Yup! I’ve been saving for it all year, and lots of stuff is already included in the package I booked so we shouldn’t have too many out-of-pocket expenses while we’re there. And I was able to set aside a little extra spending money, but we won’t be able to go too crazy in the gift shop or whatever.”

If there was one thing Allie would have even sort of considered spanking Michelle for, it would have been her shopping sprees. Years ago, when they’d been fresh out of college, it had gotten really bad, and they’d almost been kicked out of their apartment a couple times. Luckily, they made enough between the two of them now that she could indulge her shopaholic ways on a more regular basis, but sometimes Allie secretly wished they had someone else in their lives to help keep her in line.

Beside her, Michelle blushed as she flipped the pages. “I promise not to go crazy. Oh, there’s a spa! We should book a couple’s massage or something.”

“Already done.” Reaching over, she flipped the page to the list of activities she’d booked for the pair of them. “We have a couple’s massage, a romantic dinner, and then I’ve booked you some time in the dungeon a couple of nights, and some Little activities for me.”

“Oh, but…” Michelle trailed off, her finger running down the page. “That’s hardly any time for the two of us.”

“We’ll have lots of time together, I promise.” Shifting to face her more fully, Allie took the packet and set it aside to take Michelle’s hands in hers. “I really want to do this for you, Michelle. You always have to be in charge and on top of everything with us, and I just want you to have some time where you can let loose and not have to worry so much. Even if it’s just a couple nights in the dungeon. You need it, and you deserve it.”

“I love you.” Tears shimmered in her eyes as Michelle reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind Allie’s ear. “And thank you. It’s a lovely trip, and I can’t wait to spend Christmas at the Ranch with you, babygirl.”

“Good. And you don’t have to worry about me while you’re off getting tied up or whatever. There’s plenty of stuff to keep me busy and out of trouble.”

“Somehow, I have a feeling you’ll still find plenty of trouble. But then, I suppose that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?”

“It’s like, seventy percent of the fun. At least.”

“Brat.” Laughing, Michelle cupped Allie’s cheek and leaned in to press a long, slow kiss to her lips. “But speaking of trouble, I know a Little girl who needs to go clean up the mess she made today. If it’s not clean by the time dinner is ready, I’ll have to start adding swats to your punishment.”

With a shocked squeak, Allie jumped up from the bed and raced for the living room. And even though she started cleaning right away, she took her time, dragging the process out longer than it really needed to go. She probablycouldhave finished by dinner time, but hey, what was the fun in that?
