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Chapter 2


“I still don’t know why I had to wear this stupid thing,” Allie whined for what seemed like the millionth time as she shifted yet again in the passenger seat.

“Because I thought you could use a reminder to be on your best behavior today.” Glancing over, Michelle raised an eyebrow. “But if the plug isn’t doing its job, I’d be happy to pull over and warm your bottom back up for you. Perhaps that would help?”

Almost immediately, the fidgeting stopped, and Allie sat up straighter in her seat. “No, Ma’am, the plug is more than enough.”

“Good.” Michelle had a sneaking suspicion her babygirl was still sore from the paddling she’d gotten the night before, or else she probably would have pushed for exactly that reaction.

Not that they would have had time to stop, since less than ten minutes after the threat was made, they were pulling up in front of the tall iron gates of Rawhide Ranch.

“Oh my gosh!” With a delighted gasp, Allie leaned forward, craning her neck to try and see everything through the top of the windshield. “It’s even more beautiful than the pictures on the website!”

It really was gorgeous. Stopped in front of the gate as they waited to be allowed in, she could see acres and acres of land stretching out in front of them. Set against the backdrop of the tall, regal mountains off in the distance, it was like something out of a painting.

A guard stepped out of the booth to their left, and Michelle rolled the window down as he approached. “Good afternoon, ladies. May I see your reservation info and your IDs, please?”

“Here you go!” Leaning across her, Allie handed him the documents he’d asked for. She’d gathered everything together before they’d left and placed the documents in the glove compartment of Michelle’s car, which had come in handy when Michelle had panicked halfway to their destination, convinced they’d forgotten them.

“Thank you, Ma’am. I’ll be right back.”

The guard made his way back to the booth, and nervous butterflies filled Michelle’s stomach. She’d tried not to think too hard about what this week would bring, and it had been easy during the drive when she’d had Allie’s fidgeting and chatter to distract her.

But now, face to face with the Ranch itself, she was half tempted to back up and turn around. She would tell Allie it really had been a lovely gift, and she appreciated the thought, but she had everything she needed in their little two-bedroom apartment.

Except… it wouldn’t have been entirely true. She loved Allie, and she loved being her Top, but a part of her missed the joy of submitting to someone. She missed the rush of not being in control, the freedom of letting someone else give the orders. And god, she missed being spanked. It had been years since she’d felt the sting of someone’s hand, the deep burn of a paddle.

She didn’t need a Dom in her life. Not full-time, anyway. But a play partner on occasion? That was something she could get on board with. And since it was Allie’s idea, she would even try not to feel too guilty about it.

“Here you go, ladies.” The guard returned to the car and handed the papers and IDs back to Allie. “Just follow the road up to the main building there. Erika will meet you outside and get you checked in. Have a good visit.”

“Thank you.” When the gates swung open, Michelle sat and stared at the road before them for a long moment before dragging in a deep breath and putting the car back in drive. “Here goes nothing.”

“You sound like you’re going to your execution instead of spending a week getting kinky,” Allie teased. Laying her hand on Michelle’s knee, she gave it a reassuring squeeze. “This is going to be fun, I promise.”

“If you say so, babygirl.”

“I do say so. And I might not be the bossy one here, but in this case, I’m putting my foot down. You are going to have a good time or else I’m going to make sure Master Derek finds you a super sadist to play with.”

“A super sadist? Is that just a sadist with a cape?”

“Yes!” Giggling wildly, Allie sat up straighter and planted her fists on her hips. “More powerful than a violet wand! Faster than a bull whip! I am Super Sadist!”

Tears blurred Michelle’s vision as she joined in her girlfriend’s laughter. By the time they parked the car before the front steps of the building, most of the butterflies had vacated her stomach.

A dark-haired woman was standing on the front steps, a genuinely welcoming smile on her face as they climbed out of the car. “Welcome to Rawhide Ranch. Allison and Michelle, correct?”

“That’s us!” Allie bounced on her toes, obviously eager to get inside. “You must be Erika. The guard said you would meet us here.”

“I suppose I must be, then. If you two would follow me, I’ll get you all checked in and call for someone to get your bags for you and get your car parked in the lot.”

Even if Michelle had still been unsure, Allie’s excitement would have washed all of her doubts away. This was as much for her babygirl as it was for her, Michelle reminded herself as they climbed the stairs hand in hand. They didn’t have a local group of Littles for Allie to play with, and her little social butterfly got lonely sometimes.

This will be good for us. For both of us.

The inside of the Ranch was just as spectacular as the outside. Thousands of white, sparkling lights stretched from one side of the cavernous lobby to the other. A huge double-sided fireplace surrounded by comfortable-looking chairs gave the whole space a homey, relaxed feeling.
