Page 170 of More than Friends

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She pauses. “For Elizabeth and for me. If she’s having this much trouble, how am I going to handle it?”

“Let’s just take it one step at a time,” I say. “Like they said, she has a great support system and so do you.”

She stands up. “Time to get to work.”

“Work?” I say, standing to join her.

“Yeah. I’m itching to paint in the nursery.”


She works in the nurseryfor a while by herself when we get home – adding finishing touches here and there.

I peek my head in after a few hours.

“You feeling okay?”

She turns and says, “I’m taking lots of breaks, but I’m feeling good. I’m really enjoying standing.”

I chuckle as I come closer to inspect her work. “You’re really adding the magic, aren’t you?”

She smiles. “My brain is happy to do something that doesn’t involve reality television.”

“Yeah. It was rotting your brain, wasn’t it?”

She gives me a little shove.

“Hungry?” I ask.

“Always.” She turns and resumes working on the shading on the moon.

“Hey Maggie.”

She turns back.

“It looks amazing. Really.”

She lets her eyes scan the whole room. “It really does, doesn’t it?”

I help her clean up and then she takes a shower after we eat. I’m reading a book when she comes out into the bedroom. I catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye over the book, and I nearly drop it.

She puts her hand on her hip and smiles. “Dex, did you just do a double take?”

I let out a loud laugh. “Yes. Buttercup, I did.”

She’s wearing lingerie. A red lacy bra that can barely hold her swollen breasts and a sheer, flowy robe, open. Her whole bump on display.

She giggles and looks down. “You can’t even tell I have underwear on. My bump is so big.”

I don’t respond. I’m still trying to restart my brain.

“You look like you’re choking. Are you okay?”

I clear my throat. “Yes.”

Her face falls. “I should have asked first. We don’t have to do this if you aren’t into it. I know I’m not the most...”

“The most what?” I cut her off.
