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Chapter Thirty-Two


Isteal a glance atDeclan. He’s playing cards with Vivi and Isaiah, Zadie and Ethan’s foster son.

“Go fish,” Declan says. He’s playing with such enthusiasm I’m not sure who’s having more fun, Declan or the kids.

We’re in Air Force One riding to the Colorado to go to the cabin for Christmas. Will and Olivia are sitting across from me, their daughter, Ansley, asleep on Olivia’s lap. Ethan is playingGo Fishwhile Zadie is rocking Micah, who has been fighting his nap for an hour. James, Elizabeth, and Celeste are doing something official on the other side of the plane. The rest of the group are meeting us at the cabin.

I underestimated how hard it would be to travel with Declan without seeming like we are a couple. I didn’t realize how relaxed we’d gotten with each other until I nearly slipped my arms around his waist while we were waiting to board. I’m going to have to keep six feet between us at all times.

I let out a little sigh. I’m ovulating over Christmas, and I don’t want to skip a month, but I don’t know how we are going to manage without getting caught. Eli already knows. I wonder if any of the others have figured it out.

Not James or Elizabeth. They would say something, and I shudder to think of how that conversation would go. Hopefully that day will never come and definitely not over Christmas.

Declan and I talked about staying completely away from each other over this trip but then decided against it. He said something to me that stuck in my mind though. He asked if it would be so bad if people knew about us. My jaw nearly hit the floor. Of course it would be bad. It would be really bad. There’s a reason this has been a secret for years. He just shrugged when I reminded him of this like he would not mind if everyone knew. Well, they can’t know, especially with me trying to get pregnant. If they know we are hooking up, they will figure out he’s the one who got me pregnant. No one can know about that. He’s an anonymous sperm donor, nothing more.

There’s a big eruption of laughter and I look over.

“Uncle Declan, that’s cheating,” Vivi says as Declan dramatically looks at Isaiah’s cards.

“I have no idea what you are referring to,” he says as he does it again.

Both of the kids giggle.

“I can see you cheating,” Vivi says.

Declan throws up his hands. “You caught me. It’s just because you are such good card players. I can’t compete.”

I can’t help smiling as I watch the scene unfold until I notice Will watching me from across the plane. I quickly move my attention back to the book I’m reading. A few minutes later, I sneak a peek – only to see Will still staring at me, like he’s seen something confusing, and he can’t quite figure it out.

Maggie and Declan Text Thread

Declan: Happy New Year, Buttercup

Maggie: Why are you texting me? We’re in the same room.

Declan: I just wanted to congratulate you on not getting caught with me during Christmas despite fucking like fourteen times.
