Page 80 of More than Friends

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Eli: Is it official yet? I hadn’t heard the announcement.

Juno: I have no idea. I just like saying it.

Will: Too many returns still coming in to call it.

Declan: James, you nervous?

James: Nope.

Elizabeth: I am.

James: Oh, I’m wounded. You doubt me?

Elizabeth: Never but I just can’t relax until it’s official.

James: I have a little time. Want some help relaxing? I could do that thing you like that always relaxes you.

Keene: No! We told you two. No sexting in the family group chat.

Juno: Yeah. We have rules for a reason.

Eli: Don’t you have the ability to privately text each other.

Elizabeth: He’s sitting right next to me.

Declan: Seriously?

James: (Shrugging emoji)

Eli: He just likes to show off.

James: I do. It’s true. Can you blame me?

Will: Back to the Election...a few returns just came in. You flipped a few states.

Brooklyn: Woo-hoo. It’s just a matter of time now.

Will: There’s almost no path to victory for Governor Thomas.

Elizabeth: He’s on the phone now.

Will: The Governor

Elizabeth: Yes. He just called James.

Eli: To concede?

Elizabeth: Yes.

Juno: Four more years. Four more years.

Will: Congrats!

Eli: Fuck yeah – four more years.

Declan: Never had a doubt.
