Page 194 of Face Off Flirting

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I growled, stepped toward April and crouched down.

How do I do this? How do I tell my best friend’s sister that I’m in love with her?

I toldmyself I was going to lose her for real if I kept messing around here.

It wasn’t about the past.

It wasn’t about the future.

It was about right now.

“You’re scaring me a little now,” April said. “Since when do you hesitate over anything?”

“I’m not hesitating,” I growled.

“You’re totally hesitating! You’re afraid of something, Seb. You’re never afraid.”

“I’m not damn afraid either,” I said.

Now she was getting on my nerves.

I stood back up and stepped away.

“I’m trying to tell you I love you,” I blurted out. “Okay? That’s what this is all about. I’m in love with you, April. Not just because of us together now. Not because we’re living together like this. It’s just… everything. Everything about you. You’ve found a way to grab my heart again and this time you have it for real. For good. Or for as long as you want it. Or not.”

“You are so vulnerable right now,” April said.

“Don’t do this. Don’t make me mad, babe.”

April took another drink of her beer. Then she put the bottle down and stood up.

Just one step toward me and I felt myself almost shivering to grab her and take her.

She reached up and touched my face. “Seb. Are you insane right now? You want to talk about love? I’ve been in love with you from the second I met you. And nobody would ever believe me if I said it out loud. Anything I have ever done in my life has always come back to you. Every guy I dated, I compared to you. Every single time I touched myself out of self-need or want, I thought about you. So, yeah, I get it, Seb. I’m in love with you too.”

I already knew that.

But to hear it…

“I don’t fall in love, April,” I whispered. “I don’t do that. I don’t have that urge and desire. Until you showed up. You were supposed to leave a while ago and I couldn’t have it. I couldn’t imagine waking up and having you not here. I think my life would be empty without you.”

She inched up to her toes.

I touched her sides.

I picked her up and kissed her.

I hated to feel so cliché in the moment…

She tasted good.

Honey and beer.

Her lips smooth and wet.

Her tongue smooth and wet.

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