Page 46 of The Stay

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“Please, I know maybe it has implications for the contract you’ve signed with the MC…” Ash turned up the charm on Ryan, not sure if it would have any impact at all on the so far professional but distant lawyer.

“You have us on retainer Colt, but getting another convicted felon out of prison is a pretty resource intensive endeavor, on top of what we had already set aside for Ash’s case.”

Colt wiped a hand through his stubble. “You want more money?”

Ash winced.

Ryan nodded. “We want more money.”

Colt took a deep measured breath and stared at Ash. Ash knew he was calling up all his reserves as Prez, as a man striving for patience when his natural instinct was hot headedness. Ash knew it was a big ask of someone who Ash didn’t actually know all that well and had already given so much.

Ash screwed up his face and begged with his eyes.

Colt blew out his breath with a short sharp puff. “As we are here, can we at least speak to this Nix character?”

“Oh thank you!” Ash gushed.

Colt held up a palm. “I’m not promising anything yet, Ash, don’t get too excited, but let the lawyer here do his good work, and let me, as the actual fucking Prez of this MC, at least meet the guy first-”

“You won’t be disappointed Colt, I promise, he’s a good guy-”


“He’s big, like 200 lbs or something, and he’s got these tattoos-”

“Fuck, Ash you mentioned them last time, and I did actually see the guy, remember?”

“Oh yeah, sorry, but I just think he’ll be such an asset to the MC-”

“Right, sure.” Colt rolled his eyes. “Ryan, go speak to one of the guards, tell them we are here to visit David Nixon, too…”

Ryan hesitated. “I don’t know if that’s allowed…”

“Tell them you work for the Black Coyotes MC. It will be allowed. Trust me.” Colt snarled.

Colt and Ash watched the lawyer hurry over to one of the guards. The guard bustled off to speak to another.

Colt shook his head at Ash. But smiled and folded his arms over his chest. “Ash, buddy…”

“I know. That would be okay? Right? If… Nix gets out and if… he wanted to stay… like me and him…”

Colt blinked. “Yeah.”

Ash wasn’t sure Colt understood. “No like… together, me and him…”

“Yeah. It’s more than okay, Ash.”

“‘Cause some MCs are conservative with stuff like that-”

“Well, I’m not, and I’m Prez, so what I say goes.” Colt smiled.

Ash smiled back. Thank fuck for Colt.

Ryan came back with a frown on his face.

“What’s wrong, Nix busy with another exorcism or something?” Colt joked.

Ryan looked at Ash. “Guard said Nix can’t come-”

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