Page 8 of Vengeful Promise

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She always thought she was different from her father. Violence and dark thoughts didn’t rule her, but maybe they did. She wanted to see those who thought her and the Romano Familia weak, dead. Veronica wanted them hurt, to pay for what they did, to experience the same loss and despair she had.

“Couldn’t sleep?” a familiar deep voice asked.

Veronica spun, startled by Nikolai. He was sitting on the edge of one of the pool chairs. Nikolai looked immaculate as always in his tailored suit, but she noticed his tie was undone. She wondered if he just came home, because she had missed him at dinner.

“Nightmares,” Veronica whispered. She never had a chance to tell him about them before.

Nikolai patted the space next to him and Veronica froze.

“Come sit next to me.” He flashed her a tired smile.“Don’t worry, I won’t bite.”

Taking those words as a challenge, Veronica set her glass down at a nearby table. She didn’t know what possessed her to sit on his lap instead of occupying the empty space next to him. Nikolai hid his surprise well. In fact, he only slid one possessive muscled arm around her waist, bringing her close until her breasts brushed his chest. Veronica sucked in a breath, intently aware of the thin fabric of her nightgown. She didn’t bother with a bra and Nikolai could probably see her black underwear under the sheer cloth.

Veronica swallowed, unsure what possessed her to do such a reckless thing. While her skin felt cold earlier, her entire body now burned hot. She wondered if he liked what he saw. She shuddered as Nikolai pressed his lips against the curve of her ear and nibbled. Her heart beat erratically. Veronica didn’t dare speak.

She waited with anticipation as Nikolai moved his mouth to the curve of her neck. He placed a kiss on the pulse point, then ran his inked fingers through her unbound hair. The gesture seemed painfully intimate. Veronica didn’t want him to stop.

“Did you miss me, wife?” Nikolai asked her. Veronica didn’t miss the knowing glint in his eyes.

“I’m not your wife yet, Nikolai,” she whispered.

“Do you want to be?” Nikolai asked.

“I don’t know, but I’ve certainly been thinking about it,” she admitted. Finally, they were having a serious conversation.

Her breath caught as he trailed his fingers down her neck. Nikolai unhooked the first two buttons of her nightgown. He gazed intently at her. At Veronica’s nod, he slipped his hand to fondle her left breast. Veronica let out a sigh as he tweaked her nipple, then gave it a pinch. Nikolai proceeded to draw lazy circles around the areole. Her pussy tightened in anticipation. Veronica’s thighs felt wet.

“I will thoroughly enjoy exploring every inch of your tempting body,” Nikolai murmured in her ear.“Iintend it mark every inch of it to remind the world who you belong to.”

The image of Nikolai holding her down in bed surfaced in her head. Nikolai leaving an imprint of his teeth on her tits, her shoulder, her neck. Nikolai driving his dick right inside her wet pussy. The erotic thoughts made her flush.

Then he withdrew his hand from her breast. The bastard chuckled when Veronica let out a sigh of frustration.

“Marry me and I’ll kill all your father’s enemies,” he told her. “I’ll make sure you’ll want for nothing.”

“The prospect of tying myself to a man like you scares me senseless,” she admitted.

“You’re no frightened bird, Veronica. You’re a wolf just like me,” Nikolai said. “That’s why we are suited for each other.”

A wolf? Veronica had felt like a caged bird most of her life.

“Why bother asking me, if you already struck a bargain with my father? You can do anything you want to me,” she said. It was true. Nikolai had treated her like a guest in his household. He was courteous and understanding. Was it all an act?

“But your compliance makes victory so much sweeter,” he answered.“Besides, I’m not the brute you imagine me to be.”

Veronica shivered. Those words reminded her that Nikolai wasn’t a good man but he was exactly the type of monster she needed at that moment.

“You’re no brute,” she agreed.“But you still frighten me.”

“That’s only natural, but I excite you as well, am I right?” Nikolai asked.

He traced her bottom lip with one finger. Veronica didn’t know what possessed her to close her lips over his digit and suck on it. She imagined it was his cock she was tasting. Nikolai groaned and it thrilled her to elicit a reaction from him. Would he react that way when she finally went down on him?

“You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” Nikolai asked. “That’s just perfect. I like some excitement in my life.”

Veronica stopped what she was doing. She had been with a few men in college but none of them ever looked at her the way Nikolai did, with open devotion and fierce possession. She decided she would allow this man to ruin and unmake her to reach her goals. Love might not be on the menu, not yet, but it didn’t matter.

“I’ll be your wife,” she told him.
