Page 56 of Raven

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“You promise?” she asked.

“Uh-huh. I’d never lie to you, Raven. Promise.”

She climbed into my lap, her core sitting right over my exposed dick. Raven wrapped her arms around me, kissing me as she hugged me tight. I smoothed her hair back, peering into her eyes. She was so confident at times; I didn’t notice right away when she needed reassurance.

“Even though it’s too soon to say, I'm a jump-all-in type of guy and a hopeless romantic, so just hear me out. I love you, Raven. I just want you to know that. You’re perfect just the way you are, Cutie-pie.”

Her eyes became shiny as she blinked away tears, her hands moving to cup my jaw. “I love you, Porter, my fungi.”

The most effortless smile I ever felt spread across my cheeks, my whole being radiating out as I stared at the girl who owned my heart.

“Phoenix and I want to pamper you. We have stuff to do your toenails, wash your hair, and a face mask. Plus, all the junk food you could possibly want. Will you let us take care of you tonight, baby?”

“You want to do all that for me?” she asked, her hands running through my hair. I closed my eyes, groaning at how good it felt.

“I want to do everything for you, Raven. I want to love you, dote on you, and show you how amazing I think you are. This is my love language.”

“What’s a love language?” she scrunched her nose, the action so cute I reached out and grabbed it.

“I’ll tell you all about it in the bath. Come on, Phoenix’s waiting, and I want to get you in before Otto tries to steal you.”

“Okay. I’d love to spend the morning with you.”

I tapped her leg. “You going to let me go?”

“Nope.” She shook her head, her hair tickling my nose. Chuckling, I didn’t have it in me to make her move. If my girl wanted to be carried, then I would.

“Okay, but first, I have to put my cockasaurus away.”

“Why am I not surprised you named your dick?” she let go, moving back to help me tuck my semi-hard cock back into my pants. She gave it a little pat on its head. “That’s a good boy.”

“Did you just praise my cock, Rave?”

She shrugged her shoulders, her cheeks blushing as she hid them in my neck.

“I think you just unlocked a new kink for me, baby.”

“Oh?” she asked, her brows creasing in thought.

I stepped out of the car, careful not to drop her as I grabbed her bag and the one I had in the trunk. She kept her legs wrapped around me, and I half expected her to be part koala. Raven leaned forward, nipping my earlobe between her teeth. The slight pain sent a jolt through me, and I stopped and sucked in a breath.

“I’m suddenly famished for my favorite type of sandwich. Are you going to be good and stuff me full?”

Holy shit. Raven's dirty talking was hot as fuck. My semi-hard dick thickened at her words, my legs moving before my mind caught up.



Much to Porter’s dismay—andmy own, if I was honest—Otto intercepted us in the kitchen and insisted we all eat a meal together. It was too cute of a request for me to deny. Plus, I’d missed him too and wanted to know how his day was. Since I’d gotten to spend my day with Rueben, and the twins got me the rest of the “my” evening, Otto stole me so he could be the one to feed me.

“I feel like a baby,” I pouted, crossing my arms. Secretly, I loved it, but it felt like I shouldn’t, so I wanted to complain a little.

“Oh, well, I guess we could get you a chair,” Otto said, moving to place me in the seat next to him. I hadn’t expected him to give in, my eyes widening as I clasped his arms.

“Never mind. I’m good here.”

Otto chuckled, burrowing his nose into my hair. His laughter vibrated through me, sending goosebumps across my skin. I couldn’t remember ever being this happy before. I loved the other Belladonnas. They had been my family when I didn’t have one, giving me a reason to wake up each day. Man taught me how to be strong in every way, giving me the reassurance I’d always be able to take care of myself. For a scared little girl who’d mostly known violence and scary men, it had been a comfort and a promise I’d never be vulnerable again.

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