Page 30 of Do-Over with my Ex

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“I don’t think you realize what you’re letting yourself in for. If you’re happy to play this game, by all means, keep going, but just keep in mind that to her, that’s all it is. A game.”

“Noted,” I said. “I appreciate the warning.”

Noah nodded and stopped on a channel show Formula One. We stared at the cars zooming past, larger than life on the size of that screen.

I understood what Noah was trying to say, and I knew why he warned me about Celine. She really was a piece of work.

Noah just didn’t understand what I saw in her. The thing was, I knew what I was letting myself in for. I knew exactly.

I was ready to play this game. If I lost, it would hurt, but I wouldn’t be any worse off than I’d been since the moment we’d parted ways after our self-proclaimed summer fling.

If I won, though, it would change everything.

Because I would haveher.



“Thanksforcomingtoget me,” I said when I got into Anna’s car. “I just had to get out of there.” I glanced over my shoulder at the four-year-old kid strapped into a chair in the backseat. “Hi.”

“Hello,” he said dubiously.

“Sweetheart, this is Celine. Celine, this is my son, Wesley.”

“Hey, Wes,” I said. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Wesley ignored me and focused on a superhero toy.

“I have the day off, so your timing is great,” Anna said. “I want to go to Pop’s Palace.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a huge playground for kids to have fun. Wesley’s been helping me with chores all morning, so he gets a reward.”

“I want to get rewarded for doing chores,” I said.

Anna giggled. “You don’t do chores.”

I shrugged. “It sounds cool in theory.”

Anna pulled into the road and pointed her car to downtown LA.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Anna asked.

I glanced at the back seat again. “I’ll tell you in a bit. It’s not exactly child-friendly.”

“Ah,” Anna said, understanding. “The lovely Lorenzo, huh?”

I rolled my eyes. “Lovelyisn’t the right word.”

Anna giggled, and we made small talk while we drove to the play area she’d been talking about.

When we arrived, I paid for our entry. It was the least I could do for Anna after she’d saved me from my brother’s house. I hadn’t really had a shopping date. I’d just needed to escape my brother and Lorenzo, who were so in cahoots it pissed me off, and Ava chipping in happily as if we were all playing happy families. Lorenzo should never have stayed for breakfast. I knew my brother had offered but it had been more teasingly than it had been serious.

Lorenzo had just been a pain in my ass.

Fuck, a pain in my ass that had had me so hot and flustered last night…
