Page 10 of Pivot Point

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Shaking my head at myself, I tapped the answer button. “Hello?”

A woman’s no-nonsense voice carried from the speaker. “Is this Niko Okabe?”

“Yes, it is. What’s this about?”

“Oh, good, I’m glad I reached you. This is Sally Bakers from Whetstone Sporting Goods. You reached out about some talent looking for sponsorships—Jasper St. Pierre and a Luna Garcia?”

My spirits lifted even with my momentary jolt of confusion. Right, I’d registered Lou for the qualifying competitions and submitted her and Jasper for possible sponsorships using the fake name from one of the assortment of passports she’d turned out to own. We’d gone with the Luna one because it meant she could keep the nickname “Lou” without anyone finding it odd.

“Yes, I did. I hope you enjoyed the video of their most recent performance.”

“We wereveryimpressed with what we saw. I’m prepared to offer you a sponsorship for the two of them. Especially if they’re going to be competing at larger scale events… That is the case, isn’t it, Mr. Okabe?”

“Absolutely.” I shut the trunk and pulled open the driver’s-side door. “Actually, we’re on our way to Boston now to prepare for a qualifying competition there before hopefully continuing on to Finals and Nationals.”

If anyone pressed further about why we were moving to the United States weeks before the actual competition, I’d have told them that I wanted my skaters to get comfortable in the new setting well ahead of time, even if we couldn’t train in the exact same rink where the main competition would be held.

The full truth was that I also wanted to get Lou away from her stalker here in Hobb Creek, and the Boston competition was the one farthest from Austin, where she’d said her mother’s organization was based. It also happened to be the site of the Pairs Finals this year, so we’d already be in town if my two skaters accomplished everything I knew they were capable of.

“That’s excellent to hear,” the store representative said. “I can tell they’ll go far. I’ll be emailing you the contract and additional details. If you could look it over by the end of the week and get back to me with any questions or concerns, I’d appreciate it.”

“Absolutely, Ms. Bakers!”

I’d be reading through that email the second it arrived in my inbox. I hung up with a smile tugging at my lips.

This was definitely good news. Skating was an expensive career at the best of times. With a solid sponsorship, Jasper and Lou wouldn’t have to worry about how they’d cover their rink time, equipment, or the materials Jasper would need when he got down to making his fully custom costumes.

There. I might not know how to fight off career criminals, but I could support Lou in plenty of other ways that she needed too.

And if I needed to protect her by facing off against literal threats, I’d do that too. I could stand up for people other than myself.

I was going to do right by her, like the man I’d always intended to be. No slip-ups this time.

There was even more on the line now.

My smile tightening with determination, I dropped into the driver’s seat and cruised the short distance to Jasper’s apartment. We were going to drive down together while Lou and Rafael took their own car, meeting up for meals and a rest overnight at the halfway point.

As I parked outside the house with its large, detached garage that held Jasper’s temporary home, my thoughts veered in a totally different direction. To the press of his firm lips against mine three days ago at the Dellville arena.

The memory sent a quiver through my veins. My heart thumped a little faster as I stepped out of the car, anticipating seeing his impressive form and handsome face appearing at the top of the stairs outside the apartment’s entrance.

I’d known we needed to talk since Lou had insisted on bringing up the subject of our original kiss from almost two years ago. I hadn’t wanted to distract Jasper before his first competition in ages, but I didn’t have that excuse anymore.

We needed to clear the air. I needed to find out where we stood, what he wanted out of our relationship, even if it was possible I wouldn’t like the answer.

Who knew if he was looking back on the kiss as happily as I was?

I bounded up the steps to see if he was finished packing and was just reaching to knock on the door when Jasper opened it. He peered out at me with his eyebrows raised.

“There you are. I thought you were going to make me wait around all day.”

I couldn’t help laughing. “Me? You’re the one I usually have to drag out of this place. I thought you might need help getting organized.”

“I can organize just fine. But you might as well come in, since I’m sure you’ll want to confirm that.”

He’d taken on a typical grouchy tone, but it was light enough that I knew he wasn’t actually in a bad mood. He was just being Jasper.

Grinning, I followed him into the cramped space.
