Page 14 of Kronos

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“Thanks. I didn’t know if I’d make it.” Honesty isn’t a hard thing for me. It’s more like a dose of reality and a fucking hit to my pride to admit I’m weak as hell and still need help.

“I knew you would. Remember, you can call me anytime.”

He walks away once I tell him thank you. A cup of coffee in my hand, my phone goes off. I look at it and I close my eyes before I open them and read the text message from Ayres.

A:Need you at the docks.

Fuck, I hate going to the docks. Especially the one closest to our home. I know Ayres wouldn’t call me in unless they needed my particular skill set. Which means torture. Hell, we all know how to fuck someone up and get answers. They want it drawn out. And I’m good at that.

H:We found the snitch.

Snitch.The bastard that started working for us and then started selling trade secrets to the cops. We’ve been going through a private security firm to find out who the hell has been leaking information. They must have finally found him. I wish he meant Haydes, but we haven’t heard from him in years.

Sporadically something will happen, like a bomb going off at random locations in our territory. Or worse, people will end up dead with the letter H on them. For once, I feel like we have finally overcome his bullshit. Something in the back of my mind tells me I’m being arrogant.

Me:Be there in ten minutes.

Killing has always been easy for me when I was drunk. Now, I have a moment of guilt or moral compass that tries to settle in, but I always push it down. It’s not like I can ask Hypnos to kill for me. Ayres would do it, but I’m the fucking head of this family, and I take my responsibility serious.

“Frankie, I’m disappointed in you.” I taunt him. I run the gun in my hand along his jaw line as Ayres keeps his head up for me. My other hand has a saw, and I have it on his wrist. “One word and all of this could go away.”

He sputters as I push the serrated blade down onto his wrist and start to move it back and forth.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Kronos. I swear!” he screams as I break the skin and blood flows out from the wound.

“Who are you working for, Frankie?” Hypnos comes in and hands Ayres the file with the evidence of Frankie’s betrayal.

“I don’t…” I saw his wrist a little more.

“You want to think about this very carefully before I cut your fucking hand off.” When I’m doing the bad guy routine, something comes over me and it settles within my bones. It’s who I was meant to be, and everyone knows it. My name scares the living shit out of people. Just like it should.

“Torrez. Her name is…” Ayres yanks Frankie’s head to the side and growls.

“Torrez who?” He spits at the man, and I can see the wheels running in his mind.

“Detective Martina Torrez. She’s… she’s gunning for you or something.”

Before I can react, Ayres grabs the man by the jaw and squeezes. “What would she care what we did with our legal business?”

“I don’t know. She says she has a partner and they…” I saw against his wrist, and he screams like a pig.

“You’re lying. If the cops wanted to take us down, there are a hundred different ways to do it, jackass. Now, how do you know Torrez?” Keeping my cool, I bring the blade back out and let the blood gush down his hand.

Ayres looks betrayed and ready to kill. He still hasn’t gotten over Torrez and how she stopped being in our pocket. I honestly think that Ayres may have loved her at one point, but he’s too psychotic to settle down.

“Hypnos, you come hold this fucking snitch. I’m going to pay Martina a visit.”

Ayres isn’t known for his subtlety. “Ayres, you should let it go,” Hypnos says, ever the voice of reason. Sometimes I want to smack him sideways. Of course, I don’t, but I think about it.

“No. It’s time.” He grabs his bat and walks out. For his sake, I hope that Torrez has nothing to do with this asshole. Ayres watches almost every move the police make. Yet, I know he’s really watching her.

“He’s going to end up doing something stupid.”

I turn to Hypnos and chuckle. “And what the fuck are we doing right now?”

He looks down at the man we have in our torture chair and smirks. “Right.”

“Now, Frankie, do you want to tell us who you are really working for?”
