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"Sorry I'm late," he offers, not sounding the least bit sincere. "I'm sure I didn't miss much seeing as how it's only Dr. Lopez's first day."

Kate shoots me an awkward look, then turns back to Joshua. "You missed a lot actually."

I try to hide how amused I am at her sticking it to him like that and taking up for me. But of course, Joshua seems unphased.

Hudson studies him with a cold stare, then says, "No, I think it's perfect timing actually. Dr. Ashford, as the head of neurology, I'm assigning you to Dr. Lopez's research team. Full time until further notice. Dr. Anderson can fill in for you in your wing for daily operations, and will only consult you on the most pressing issues. That way you can give your full and undivided attention to your research work with Dr. Lopez."

Ashford turns green and pale, his mouth dropping open wide. But he quickly brushes it off and dons his typical smug smirk. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am," Hudson replies, standing up and gathering his things - signaling that it's not up for discussion. "It's my understanding that you recently went to Sturgill with some very strong opinions about our research work. You said we weren't doing enough, and I agree. I also agree that there's no better person to run things up to your standards but you. Now to be clear, this does not put you in charge of anything. Vanessa is running the show and calling the shots, but I have no doubt your expertise will prove to be very useful to her."

"But I–"

"If you have any problems, take it up with Sturgill," he huffs, coming over to shake my hand. "Welcome to the team, Vanessa. I'm sure I speak for everyone in this room when I say we're here for anything you might need. You'll catch Dr. Ashford up on everything you reviewed with us this morning?"

I swallow hard, in disbelief of what just happened. "Yes. Of course. Thank you."

Kate flashes me one last thumbs up before following the others out of the room. The only people left behind are me and Ashford. I'm disgruntled enough that after my complaints of discrimination, they turn around and put him directly on my team. But far, far worse than that is the fact that I will now be working, day in and day out, with the guy who broke my heart at the worst possible time…the guy who I have spent a decade wishing horrible things on, or doing my best to try not to think about at all just to get some relief.

And now here he is…sitting across from me, and looking no more thrilled than I am about any of this.

The only upside is that Hudson just put him in his place, and made it clear thatI'mthe boss. I try not to show the immense satisfaction I get from how unhappy this obviously makes him.

"Well…I'll…I guess I'll just email you my presentation," I stammer, rushing to get my things together and get the hell out of here.

"No, just show it to me now," he barks impatiently.

I let out an exasperated laugh of disbelief, then suck in a deep breath to pull myself together. "I have to go. I leave early on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Besides, I already gave the presentation. I'm not staying late to do it all over again just because you couldn't be bothered to show up on time."

"We're off to a great start," he says sarcastically.

That familiar burning rage starts building up inside, but I'm determined to keep it down. I'll have to learn how to tame these feelings just as well as I do my grief. I am not about to let Ashford tear me to pieces every single day we have to work together.

"My thoughts exactly," I grumble. "I'll be available on my cell on and off throughout the afternoon, and will be doing some work from home this evening. You can reach out if you have any questions about the presentation, but I think it'd make more sense for us to regroup first thing in the morning. How does nine o'clock sound to you? Too early?"

"I'm sorry. I'm still just stuck on the first part. You're actually leaving early on your first day? After that huge fuss you made over getting this job?"

"Dr. Gray is aware of my schedule restrictions and has already signed off on everything. You heard him yourself. I'm the one calling the shots this time around, and you…well, you were late and you have some catching up to do. The presentation is waiting for you in your inbox."

I snatch up my things and head for the door. Nothing I've said stops him from calling out to me, desperate to get the last word in.

"If we're going to do this, you have to be dedicated. This can't just be a whim for you…like switching your majors."

I roll my eyes and keep walking. I'm furious inside, but I can't let him get to me. As I reach for the door handle, I pause - deciding if he's going to be so petty, I'm going to shove a spoonful of his own medicine down his throat.

"You're just bitter and heartbroken over me ghosting you back in college," I smirk. "But I do hope we can be grown ups and put that behind us. After all, it was nothing personal. It's important for us to separate the personal from professional, don't you think?"

He flies up from his chair and closes the gap between us with several swift strides. He towers over me from behind and spreads his hands across mine on the door, leaning in close to my ear. I resent the electric thrill I get from his breath on the back of my neck.

"New things have come to light since we had lunch," his deep voice rumbles. "It seems it's the other way around, isn't it? You're the one who's been bitter and heartbroken over me the entire time."

"Back off, Ashford. We both know I could have you fired in a heartbeat over this."

"But you won't," he insists. "I know what really happened all those years ago, Vanessa. You're not as immune to me as you pretend to be."

I jut back my elbow just enough to back him up, spinning around to face him with a venomous stare. "You knownothingabout what really happened, Ashford. You probably never will. So do me a favor and just move on, okay?"

He wraps his hand around mine and opens the door to let me out. I fly from his closeness like an animal escaping a trap. Only I have a suspicion animals never enjoy being captured. I can't deny how much the warmth of his body and hot breath against my skin filled me with something I had worked so hard to forget. The effect he has on me is seeping through all over again, no matter how hard I try to fight it.
