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“You’re going to have to hold off on that a bit,” she says. “I need to heal.”

“Let’s see it,” I say.

She gets up and turns around, and both Terry and I give our hearty approval. It’s a simple tattoo, and really only reads our last name, but it’s good enough to prove to the world she’s ours.

“Welp,” I say as I get up, “I guess I better deal with my hair. I was going to wait until we got to the next hotel to take a shower, but that’s not going to happen until late, so will you give me a hand with it?”

Jeanette is clearly shocked by my request. She looks to the left and right as though there could be someone else in the bus I would be talking to besides her, then she points at herself.

“You want me to help you with your hair?” she asks. “But you hate it when anyone but you touches your hair.”

“Actually, I hate it when just anyone touches my hair. I only let the woman who is number one in my life be the one to touch it, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would give me a hand with it now.”

Jeanette is still confused, but she flushes a crimson red as she goes to get the shampoo. Neither Terry nor Julian comment on what we’re doing. They both know that we were all touched by what Jeanette said last night about being replaced, and we want to show her that there’s no way in hell that’s going to happen.

What better way to prove that to her than to show her that she’s someone who’s special to us? She’s now bearing our name on her ass cheek, and by letting her wash my hair, I’m showing her that she really is above and beyond any of the other women in our lives. That combined with the fact that we haven’t had any other woman on the bus—or in any hotel room—since starting this tour has to show her she’s the one we want.

All of us.

I sit in the chair and lay my head back over the sink, letting her turn on the water and test the temperature. She massages the shampoo into my hair as I close my eyes, and she hums as she does it. I don’t recognize the tune, so I ask her about it.

“It’s nothing,” she says with a shake of her head. “Just something I was making up as I went along doing this.”

“I like it,” I tell her. “Might have to ask you about the melody again later. It could be something to serve as a base for our new song.”

“Oh, I don’t know about all that,” she says, clearly embarrassed with the compliment. “You guys are the musicians. You’re the ones who know what sounds good.”

“I’m telling you right now that what you were doing sounded good,” I told her.

“I agree with that,” Terry calls from where he sits.

“Same here,” Julian replies. “I don’t see why that can’t be the base for a new song. We’ve been talking about how we’ve got to get some new music out there soon, and that sounds like a good start to me.”

“I guess you coming into our lives when you did was more than just convenience for all of us,” I tell her. “I would say this has more to do with fate than I thought.”

“Do you mean that?” she asks me with a smile.

“Every word,” I say.

We pull into the parking lot of another truck stop, and the driver calls out that we have about fifteen minutes if we want to go inside and get anything, or if someone needs to use the bathroom. “Or if you want to just get out and stretch your legs. I don’t give a fuck what you do. But you have about fifteen minutes to do it,” he says.

My hair is done being washed, and she’s drying it now.

“I have to take a piss,” Terry says. “Does anyone want anything from inside?”

He agrees to buy sodas for everyone on his way off the bus, and the driver heads out the door to go speak with the other bus driver and the crew back there. There’s no sign of Mags getting off the bus behind us, so I dismiss the idea that she has anything she wants to talk about.

“You know, he said we have fifteen minutes,” Julian points out. “I don’t know about you two, but I think that’s enough time for us to have a bit of fun before we have to hit the road again.”

Jeanette and I both exchange a look.

“Too bad Terry went inside to get drinks,” Jeanette says.

“Fuck him.” Julian dismisses her comment with a wave of his hand. “He can join in later when we do it again. I’m not passing up the chance to have my way with you because his dumb ass chose to go in and take a piss while we were here.”

“He’s got a point with that one,” I say as I grab the back of her head and turn her face toward mine. The very thought of having sex with her is enough to make my dick hard, and since Julian is the one to suggest the idea, I know he’s horny too.

Our mouths meet, and Julian walks over from where he was sitting.
