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It was midafternoon when we drove into my parents’ driveway. I tipped the driver, grabbed my bag, and climbed out of the car. Both Naomi and I still had house keys because our mom and dad insisted that this would always be our home. So I unlocked the door and walked in, dropping my bag and calling out, “Mom? Dad? Anyone home?”

A gasp floated out of the kitchen a second before my mother came hurrying around the corner. “Nix?” A wide smile creased her face, and her eyes sparkled as she ran toward me with her arms outstretched.

“Hey, Mom,” I greeted her with a mirroring smile as I picked her up for a bear hug. My mom was tiny compared to me, a lot like Naomi, where I’d taken after our dad in height and bone structure.

“I’m so happy to see my boy! What are you doing here?” I set her down, and she suddenly frowned up at me and smacked my shoulder—she couldn’t reach the back of my head anymore. “And why didn’t you let me know you were coming?”

“It was last minute,” I admitted, wondering just how much I should tell her about the situation. But my mom had a way about her. Everyone just naturally gravitated toward her and couldn’t help confiding in her. “Did you hear about Ember’s mother?”

My mom cocked her head to the side, studying me in a way that always made me feel as though she could see inside my head. “Yes. I’m actually preparing dinner to take to them tonight. How didyouhear about it?”

“Naomi told me what happened.”

She looped her arm through mine and led me toward the kitchen. “Your sister always said that you and Ember were basically mortal enemies.” Something in her tone had my eyes whipping to her face. But her expression was blank…too blank.

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration,” I sighed. “Ember and I…” I trailed off, not sure how to explain since I wasn’t about to tell my mother how I’d spent last night.

“I knew it!” she crowed, releasing my arm to do a little dance.

Frowning, I crossed my arms over my chest. “Knew what?”

Mom’s smile was sly now. “Naomi was clueless, but I knew from her stories that you two were fighting feelings for each other. So? What happened? Did you finally give in to your undeniable passion and devour each other?”

My nose wrinkled. “Gross, Mom. Seriously.”

“Oh, come now, Nixon,” my dad said as he strolled into the room. He went straight to my mom and slipped an arm around her before giving her a kiss that made me feel very awkward. Well, more awkward than I already was after my mom said things about…no. Just no.

“Your mother is a knockout, and we have two beautiful kids. Clearly, we know a thing or two about passion and—”

“Stop,” I begged, covering my ears.

Both of my parents snickered, but then my mom patted my arm, and I warily took my hands down. “We’ll stop teasing. Now come sit down and tell me all about you and Ember.”

I scrubbed my face, suddenly bone-tired from lack of sleep and a long-ass day of worrying and missing my girl. “I will, Mom, I promise. But right now, I just need to go see her.”

“Of course, dear. If you’ll wait just a bit, I’ll finish up this food, and we can go together. In the meantime, why don’t you put your things away?”

I nodded, but after I’d retrieved my bag and taken it to my old room, I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want to spend another night without Ember, but the idea of sleeping with her in my childhood room, or hers, was decidedly unappealing. If I knew all we were going to do was sleep, that would be different. But I knew myself well enough to know that I wouldn’t be able to resist Ember’s delicious curves and the feel of her tight pussy wrapped around my cock.

My pants were becoming uncomfortable, so I tried to think about anything other than my memories of being inside my woman and adjusted myself to make my condition less obvious. Turning on my heel, I stomped out of the room, anxious to be somewhere without a bed. We’d just have to figure out the sleeping arrangements later.

My mom was done cooking and had everything packaged up less than half an hour later. I insisted that I drive separately from her and my dad because I wasn’t going to make my parents wait around for me, and I had no intention of leaving Ember’s side anytime soon.

So I drove my dad’s SUV while they traveled in my mom’s Lexus—her dream car. A present from me when I received my signing bonus with the Nighthawks. I told her it was a thank you for all the years she drove Naomi and I all over the place.

We parked our vehicles in the underground garage, then I met them at their car to help carry everything in. At the visitor’s desk, we signed in and were given directions to Ember’s mother’s room.

A man—who looked a lot like Ember, including the same shade of red hair—was in the hallway talking to a doctor and smiled when he saw us. Her dad, I assumed, finished whatever he was saying to the gray-haired woman in a white lab coat, then strolled toward us. He hugged my mom, then shook my dad’s hand, before mine.

“Nixon, I presume?”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m Ron. It’s nice to finally meet you. We’ve heard so much about you from your parents that I almost feel as if I know you. It was kind of you to bring them here.”

“Oh, he’s not here for us,” my mother drawled, earning herself a warning glare from me.

Ember’s dad looked confused. “Oh? You’re here to visit another patient? I’m sorry to hear that.”
