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My dad coughed to cover a laugh, and I lifted my eyes to the ceiling, as if I would find some patience floating down.

I did not.

“I’m here to see Ember,” I told her dad plainly.

“Ember? My daughter?”

It was probably a little rude, but I didn’t have the ability to hold off on seeing my girl any longer. “Yes, sir,” I replied, then pushed open the door to the hospital room and entered quietly, in case her mom was resting.

I stopped for just a second, drinking in the sight of my girl. It had been less than twenty-four hours since I’d seen her, and I couldn’t believe how much I’d missed her.

A woman who had similar features to Ember was sitting up in the bed while my girl sat on the edge. They’d been talking, but when I stepped into the room, the conversation halted and two sets of green eyes turned in my direction.

Ember’s mouth opened, but no sound came out.

“Hey, baby,” I greeted her.

“W-What are you doing here?”

“I’m here for you.”



The absolute last person I expected to see at the hospital was Nixon. Not after I’d left him fast asleep in his bed back in New York City this morning. I assumed I’d have more time before I saw him again and wasn’t prepared for him to suddenly appear out of the blue. “Buthoware you here right now?”

“Same way as you. I hopped on a plane.”

I thought about the reason he’d given for coming. “For me?”

“Yes, baby. Like I said, I’m here for you. I wouldn’t have taken a last-minute flight for anyone else.”

“Aw.” My mom’s swoony sigh reminded me she was listening to our conversation, and my cheeks heated.

Nixon’s gaze drifted toward her, and he smiled as he moved to stand next to me at the side of her bed. “Hello, Mrs. Walsh. I’m Nixon Scott.”

“Ahh, yes. Naomi’s brother.” My mom’s answering smile turned mischievous. “I should have guessed since you’re exactly how my daughter described. Please call me Pam. You’re practically family, after all.”

I would have liked to think she meant that he was almost family since Naomi and I were as close as sisters, but I knew better. Especially since I’d spilled my feelings for him to her months ago, and she’d been rooting for something to happen between us ever since. “Mom, stop. Please.”

“Are you keeping your mom entertained with stories about me?” he asked.

“Oh, she’s kept quiet about you today.” My mom’s gaze turned considering. “If I wasn’t so loopy from the pain medication, I probably would have noticed that before now. Maybe then I would’ve guessed the obvious…you finally realized how perfect my daughter is for you and did something about it.”

Nixon reached down for my hand, threading his fingers through mine. “Oh, I noticed a long time ago how amazing Ember was, but I did finally do something about it.”

His reply didn’t make any sense to me, but my mom nodded as though it sounded perfectly reasonable and said, “That’s what I thought.”

“I never thought I would say this, but I’m kind of glad I fell down those stairs.” My mom gestured at her casted leg. “Although the broken bones are going to make the next couple of months a tad tricky, at least I got a spectator seat to this exciting show. The pain is a small price to pay for meeting you and seeing my baby girl.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I grumbled, “Did I suddenly turn invisible or something? Because you two are acting as though I’m not right here. And you’re talking nonsense while you’re doing it.”

“Nonsense? I think not,” my mom scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You just don’t like what we’re saying, that’s all.”

Nixon gave my hand a squeeze. “I’m not sure why. I thought our conversation was going well.”

“Of course, you did,” I muttered.
