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He shakes himself out of his momentary stupor and leans forward.

“Is that what you’ve been doing? Going out to God knows where and blaming me for all of your problems?” he taunts.

I jerk up, adrenaline spiking through my veins for the first time in maybe…weeks.

“Excuse me…are you actually asking that? You are the cause of all my problems!”

“I’m not the cause of any of your problems. I’m just the one that points out you’re too scared to do anything about them!”

“You told the entire school that I kissed you,” I hiss, my heartbeat so rapid it feels like it could explode out of my chest and fly away any moment now. “Everyone thinks that I’m some kind of sick freak now. I hear about it all day, every day. My life is ruined until I get out of this place. You’ve made my life…unbearable.”

The word ‘unbearable’ slips out, more honesty than I ever would have wanted to give him.

“This is on you,” he mumbles under his breath.

“On me? Really? All this is on me?!” I question in outrage.

“Isn’t it?” he counters looking me dead in the eye. “You’re wasting time blaming me when you should be asking yourself one very important question.”

“And what’s that?” I seethe.

“Why you never told anyone that I. Kissed. You. Back!” he spits.

Now it’s my turn to rear back, like I’ve been physically hit. I stare at him incredulously.

“You think anyone would have believed me? Those idiots worship the ground you walk on. You could tell them to get on the floor and lick it, and they would do it without a second thought,” I explain frantically.

“So what? You could have still told the truth.”

“Like they would ever believe me over you.” I scoff.

He gets up from the bed and shakes his head before tossing one last remark over his shoulder.

“What makes you think I would have denied it?”

When he starts walking out of the room without saying another word, my apathetic heart begins to faintly beat in my chest, needing this exchange to remind itself that it still has life in it. So much life in it.

“Is that your way of telling me that the truth is my friend?” I ask before he has a chance to leave.

“Probably the only one you have,” he quips, his back still towards me.

“That was my first kiss. My very first kiss. And you ruined it. How’s that for some truth?”

With my heartbeat drumming a mile a minute, I watch as Noah’s back stiffens, his hand white knuckling the knob of my door. I wait with bated breath for him to turn around. For him to confront me. To call me a liar. To say something.

But he doesn't. Instead he just leaves.

He’s said enough for one night.

We both have.

Chapter 14


Seventeen years old

I'm determined to be a new girl when I return to school the following week. I hold my head high as I walk through the halls, ignoring the whispers around me. None of them are about me ducking out early on Friday. Obviously, you would have to care to notice that. Everyone’s still far more interested in all the rumors floating around about me and my stepbrother.
