Page 155 of Ruthless Sinner

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The crunch of heavy boots on the pavement ahead directs my attention to my esteemed guest.

Igor walks ahead of Anton. Although I haven’t told him what’s happening, Anton has worked for my family long enough to know when something bad is about to go down.

Once Igor gets closer, Anton dips his head at me and leaves.

Igor has the audacity to smile at me. He’s left his cane behind today.

Good.Given the fact that he never needed it in the first place, it was nothing but a poor distraction.

“Hello, nephew. What a mysterious meeting this is.” He looks around the courtyard when he reaches the table. His eyes settle back on me, and he pulls out the chair in front of me to sit. “Where are all the staff?”

“I gave them the day off. I wanted it to be just you and me.” I give him a sardonic grin and push to my feet.

“I assume you want to talk to me about something.” He raises a fluffy gray brow. I look him over, trying to establish when he’ll show his true face.

“I do want to talk to you.” I want to know why he did what he did. Why he killed my father.Hisbrother.

“You know, you could have come to my house. It was closer.” He smirks. “Why are we here?”

“To reminisce of what used to be. It was you who helped Father pick this house. Do you remember that first day when the two of you brought me here?”

Although his eyes cloud, there’s a sentiment in his expression that shouldn’t be there. It’s odd for him, as if he holds some regret for his sins. I’m not buying it.

He’s the manipulator. A world-class asshole I need to see for the snake he is.

“You were so nervous. You were missing Russia.”

I keep my eyes trained on him as his are on me.

“You remember what you said to me?”

“I’d do. To be strong, you sometimes have to start over. Build from scratch and rise past the Heavens to reach your true potential.”

Those words stayed with me from that moment on. I would even go as far as saying they helped define me and shaped the man I am today.

The leader.

All Levitskys are raised to be leaders, so I wouldn’t have expected any less advice from an uncle whom I once revered. But now it’s time to get to the point.

Maybe I just wanted to hear those words once last time so I could separate the man he was from the man he is now.

“You helped prepare me to become a leader.” I rest my hands on the table.

“Of course. Only the best for my nephew, who was like a son to me.”

“Please stop bullshitting me.”

“It’s not bullshit.”

“You set me up to go to prison.” I throw my words at him like a dagger.

“What would make you say that?” He tilts his head and eyes me with curiosity as if he really doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

That’s fine. I expected him to react like that, so I’ll enlighten him.

I straighten, pull out the contract piece from my pocket, and hold it in front of his face.

When he sees it, his eyes round and he sits up. He stares at the contract piece, then finally looks up at me.
