Page 31 of Ruthless Sinner

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“I don't know.” I bite the inside of my lip.

Of course, I haven’t stopped thinking about seeing Dante.

I couldn't get what he said out of my head. Or the way he looked at me. There's hardly been a minute that's passed since that I haven't thought about him.

The proverbial ball has bounced right into my hands to take the next step. But there are things to consider that I have to take into account.

He was the one who quite rightly pointed out that my father would never approve. It’s true. Dad wouldn't.

But isn’t that thinking so, so far ahead?

We haven't even stepped on square one yet. We're still somewhere in the in-between. Like objects floating around in a sphere of attraction.

And I’m wary. Dante held a dangerous vibe that was very obvious. It’s something I don’t think I should ignore.

“I'm just not sure,” I add.

Harper’s brows rise. "Why aren't you sure? You clearly like him.”

“I do. But maybe I'm in over my head." I sigh. "Maybe I should just leave it as it is." Even I don't believe I can actually do that, but talking to Harper is helping me to assess where I want to go with this.

"Do you really believe you should do that? Come on, Serenity. This is a no-brainer. The guy is super-hot and interested in you. You have off-the-charts chemistry. Chemistry people would kill for. That has to count for something, don’t you think?”

"I'm just being careful.” I bring my hands up to my cheeks. “Did you see his tattoos?"

"Yes, of course, I saw them." Harper chuckles, flashing me a wicked smile.

"And what did you think?"

"That they were sexy as fuck. Also, he was gorgeous. That's all I was thinking. Knowing how much I LOVE a tattooed man, how can you even ask me that?”

I giggle when she shakes her fist as if I’ve insulted her with such an abominable question. “I know you do, but that’s not what I mean.”

“What do you mean, then?”

"Do you think the tattoos had specific meanings? They were all Russian symbols. I looked up a few of them on Google, and they’re definitely Russian mafia tattoos. As in the Bratva.”

She bites the inside of her lip. “Oh. I see what you mean.”

"Yes. I know nothing about that world. Maybe he got them because he thought they were cool.”

“Serenity, I don’t think anyone would do that.” Her voice is hesitant, a sign she actually knows what she’s saying. “But we can't be sure. Maybe he did think they were cool. Or maybe he is part of them.”

Oh God. What kind of fire am I playing with here?

"I felt… like he could be. If that's the case, then maybe I should just stick to the dinner." I can just imagine the scandal in the papers if anyone found out:Governor Bell’s Daughter Dating the Russian Mafia.

Harper gives me a heartfelt stare. It’s the same earnest expression she reserves for times when she's preparing to hit me with some piece of wisdom I probably don't want to hear but need.

"Serenity, you need to stop trying to take the safe road.” Her voice is straight to the point as if it’s the only truth. “If you do that for the rest of your life, everything you do will be boring and you wouldn't have lived. If Avery were here, she'd definitely back me up and tell you to carpe diem the hell out of tonight and seize this chance for whatever it is. You're not going to marry the guy. He's just interested in you, and you are obviously interested in him, so why not? Why not just have fun?"


That's what I said to him. I said I was dancing the way I was because I was just having fun.

Could this be fun, too?

But what would I be getting myself into? I do like him. I know myself; I wouldn’t be so stuck on a guy if I didn’t.
