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Brenna made as if to reach for Percy’s hand but then pulled back. “I didn’t mention that I’m a Protector, did I? And a mum. Together, those things make me want to take care of anyone who needs it. And not out of pity, either, so don’t try that line with me. It’s just who I am.” She glanced at Bronx and back at Percy. “And I’m not the only one like that.”

Percy’s gaze moved to Bronx, who was laughing at his daughter waggling a finger at Killian. The dragonman merely blinked, as if surprised to have a teenager scolding him. She smiled at the sight.

Brenna said, “Right, well, Killian and I need to be off. My mother-in-law and her mate are here, as well, helping to look after our son, and I promised we wouldn’t be too long. I’ll send you information about the girls’ night via Bronx, okay? See you soon!”

Brenna collected her mate, said something that made him smile, and then left.

Percy nearly ran after them to cancel. However, as the light in her head flickered again, she didn’t. If meeting others helped her dragon, she’d do it. If nothing happened, she’d add it to her list of things to avoid.

Then Bronx approached her, and Percy didn’t know if she should run or stay in place. But with each step he drew nearer, the sense of calmness and rightness settled over her. So she waited to see what he said. As long as she avoided being weak, she could handle one meeting with him, surely.


Once Brenna and Killian left, Bronx resisted the urge to rush over to Percy and ask if she was okay. He’d agreed with Bram and Dr. Sid that meeting Killian was a good idea, if only to show yet another person who’d suffered a silent dragon at some point, to reinforce she wasn’t alone. But she’d clearly kept her distance from everyone in the room.

Ever since he’d gone into her room without permission, he’d retreated from her a little. She needed privacy and the ability to make choices. While he wouldn’t allow her to hide in her room forever, he’d given her some time to study and learn what she wished.

Today, however, he was going to give her some choices before she could flee.

Instead of closing the gap, he merely took a few steps toward Percy so he wouldn’t be shouting. “Before you go back into your room, I wanted to ask you something.”

She raised her brows. “What?”

He hesitated a beat, but his dragon said,Just ask her. Showing our vulnerability might help her with hers.

His dragon was right, so he pushed on. “When you’re ready, I’d like to show you my dragon form.”

Violet gasped, but he focused solely on Percy. Yes, he’d barely shifted since the incident that had taken his leg. However, if shifting and trying out the hind leg attachment Dylan Turner and Will Bailey had come up with—Will was one of Stonefire’s engineers—helped Percy even a little, he’d do it.

He might not be able to hug her whenever she needed it, but he could do this.

She plucked at her top. “I-I don’t know.”

Violet spoke up. “I’d be there too, Percy. We could leave whenever you wanted and get some tea and scones afterward, if you need a little reward.”

Percy’s eyes flashed. “I’m not a child.”

Violet flinched, and Bronx put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, knowing she needed it. Violet murmured, “I’m fine, Dad.”

Before he could say anything, Percy said, “I’m sorry, Violet. I really am.”

Violet smiled. “Apology accepted. But just know even I still ask for scones sometimes—or even ice cream—when my dad makes me do something I don’t want. I’m too old for rewards like that, either, but eating scones or ice cream with my dad is a kind of tradition. One where no matter what else happens, I know we’ll always do it and laugh as we eat.”

She smiled at Bronx, and his heart warmed. “Even if I’m eighty, I’ll still take you out for ice cream or scones, Vi. It’s our father-daughter thing.” He finally tore his gaze from his daughter and looked at Percy.

She shuffled her feet and twisted her hands, clearly uncomfortable.

He said softly, “Percy.” She met his gaze, and he continued, “It’s okay. Even I snap at Violet sometimes, without meaning to. No one’s perfect and a saint all the time.”

Percy replied, “I know. I just, well, I don’t have a lot of practice in being nice to people.”

The admission was fucking huge, but Bronx knew better than to make a big deal about it. She’d probably toss her walls back up and rush out of the room if he did.

So he decided to keep it light. “Come see my dragon and go for scones afterward, and I’m sure all will be forgotten.”

His dragon snorted.Smooth. You just want her to see us in our dragon form, be the first one she’s ever seen up close.

Shut it, dragon.
