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And as Bronx made the introductions, she didn’t even notice how he still held her hand.

* * *

SeeingPercy laugh so easily had done things to his heart, not to mention to his cock—both things he shouldn’t have been feeling.

But she was so bloody beautiful, with little crinkles around the corners of her eyes, her ponytail swaying in the slight breeze as they jogged down the pathway toward the shore. She should always be in sunshine and free to run outdoors and given the chance to be happy.

And even though he should’ve put distance between them, her light brush against his fingers had made him crave more of her touch, to the point he’d taken her hand. Maybe he should’ve worried that his sister-in-law and his brother, Hudson, could see them. Or that all of the children would plainly see them walking hand in hand.

And yet, he hadn’t wanted to let go.

They reached the bottom of the hill and slowed their pace. He debated releasing her, then she gripped his hand tighter and squeezed.

His dragon spoke up.See? She wants us.

I hardly think hand-holding means what you think it does.

For Percy, yes, I do.

Not wanting to think on his dragon’s words, he waved to his brother and sister-in-law. However, before he could reach them, Daisy and Joey raced up to them, while Mark merely stared at him and Percy from a distance.

Bronx whispered, “If it gets to be too much, just let me know.”

Percy gave him a curious look before the full force of Daisy Chadwick reached them.

“Bronx! They said you might bring the new clan member to the lake.” She grinned up at Percy and held out a hand. “I’m Daisy Chadwick. And no, I’m not a dragon-shifter, which is why I’m not in the water. Although it’d be brilliant to have an inner dragon, for sure. But I can’t. So I just try to talk to everyone else’s when I can. If yours ever wants to say hello, I’ll be here, ready to listen. I could always use another dragon bestie like Freddie, even if you are older than me. But that would just give me more stuff to learn, right?”

Bronx held his breath to see how Percy would react. But she merely smiled down at the little human female and shook her hand. “Hi, Daisy. Call me Percy. And thank you for the offer.”

An older version of Daisy with blond hair—her mum, Dawn—rushed over. “Daisy, you know Mr. MacLeod said to stay near him and Miss Lawson for the outing today.”

Daisy looked up at her mother. “But, Mum, I needed to say hello to Stonefire’s newest member. I know everyone’s name, and I needed to put a face to Percy.” She turned back toward Percy. “I really do know everyone. So if you ever need help, just ask. I can introduce you to my favorites first, and then the others. Even though I know I shouldn’t say I have favorites, I do. I can’t help it.”

The dark-haired female, Jane, had finished filming and stopped nearby, laughing. “It’s okay to have favorites. I know my mate is one of mine.” She smiled down at Daisy. “And I still say you’ll be running the clan one day, Daisy. I’ve been here longer than you, and yet you still know more than me. How is that possible?”

Jane winked at Dawn, and the two women chuckled.

Daisy hadn’t seen the exchange, so she replied, “I just try really hard. And don’t worry, Jane. I’m still thinking up loads of ideas for your videos. I still need to write them all down, but that won’t take very long.”

Dawn placed her hands on Daisy’s shoulders. “Hello, Percy. I’m Dawn, another one of the humans here on Stonefire, and Daisy’s mum.” She gave a fake-stern look at her daughter. “And if my daughter ever pesters you too much, just send her away. She likes to talk to everyone and loves people, which isn’t bad, but we’re still working on some boundaries.”

Daisy sighed. “I know, Mum. I’m trying. I really am.”

“I know, love.”

The two smiled at each other, and Bronx felt Percy tense. Not because of Daisy herself, but probably at seeing a mother love her daughter so freely.

Growing up with a brilliant mother of his own, he’d never really thought much about what it’d be like to have a horrible one. Even his late mate’s mother had tried to protect her until she’d died when Edith was in her teens.

Percy had never had anyone, not even a foster parent or mentor. It was yet another fucking thing he hated and wished he could change.

Bronx squeezed her hand and said, “We need to meet up with Tristan and say hello to my brother. So we’ll see you later, Daisy, okay?”

She nodded and raced off back toward Mark, who looked even grumpier when Daisy started chatting about something.

Bronx said goodbye to Jane and Dawn and steered them toward Tristan. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask if Percy was okay, but a quick glance revealed her watching the young dragons again.

Since he didn’t want to ruin the day, he merely kept her hand in his and guided her closer to the lake.
