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SeeingDawn and Daisy together had made Percy jealous. Again.

Was Stonefire just a big, loving family? How could so many people be so happy?

Although as her gaze went back to the dragons swimming near the shore, she decided to embrace today and make new memories instead of focusing on old ones or on how unfair life could be to some and not others.

The sunlight glinted off the scales of the small dragons as they played. One dunked another, and yet a different dragon used their tail to splash a friend.

The light in her head slowly grew and changed into the large form of her inner dragon. Her beast said,I want to do that.

Careful to keep her outward expression neutral—she didn’t dare risk someone interrupting her right now—she replied,We can’t until we learn how to shift into our dragon form.

Then why not do that?

Because I need your help to shift forms.

Her beast paused, and with each passing second, Percy waited for her dragon to hide again.

But she didn’t.What do we need to do?

Her first instinct was to tell Bronx and see what he suggested.

And yet, that would mean revealing her dragon and how she’d hidden the truth from him. That made her stomach churn because she could only imagine his reaction, and it wouldn’t be good.

No, the best plan was still to keep her dragon to herself. For now.

At least until she could shift somewhat. Then maybe she’d tell Bronx. Surely if she proved she could handle her dragon enough to change even a finger into a talon, then no one would try to make her dragon silent again.

She didn’t want to believe they would, but she wasn’t fully trained, and Stonefire might want to be proactive in protecting their people.

She replied,Let’s get away from the others, and I can teach you what I’ve read so far. We need to work together to change forms. So please don’t go away.

Asking that was a risk. But she needed to be honest with her dragon, if no one else.

Her beast flapped her wings inside her mind.I suppose. But hurry up. I’m getting sleepy, and I want a nap.

She nearly blurted that her dragon had slept for years, but she didn’t.Just stay a few more minutes, and I’ll arrange it.

As they approached Tristan, Percy tugged her hand. Bronx released it, and she instantly felt colder. But she knew her dragon was her top priority, not Bronx.

Besides, he didn’t say a word about it. He chatted with Tristan about the outing and how the students had been doing, and as soon as there was an opening, she asked, “Can I sit over there and watch the students by myself?”

Tristan frowned. “Why not just watch them from here?”

“No, no, the hill is a better place. Then I can see them all better.” She paused and then added, “I was never able to shift as a child, and I want to memorize what small dragons look like playing, to draw on later.”

The grumpy dragonman studied her, as if he could tell she was hiding something. But then he shrugged. “I don’t see why not. I’m not your guard, Percy. And as long as you don’t threaten my clan or my family, you can do what you wish.”

She bobbed her head. “Then I’ll go.”

Bronx said, “Wait.”

She stilled but didn’t look back. He walked to her side and whispered for her ears only, “What’s wrong? Are there too many people?”

It felt as if acid filled her mouth as she replied, “Yes, that’s it. I just need a small break to recharge, and I’ll come back. I don’t want to go home, but this is a way I can stay.”

She could feel his eyes boring into her back, and she almost apologized for lying to him.
