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Are you mad?

No. But they’re different, judging from your memories about the facility. Or even the orphanage.

Maybe on the surface, but they’ll want to use me as a broodmare just like the facility. You heard Bronx mention how the dragon-shifter population was getting low until recently.

And you think he’s just going to whip out his cock and fuck us, uncaring how we feel about it?

It was hard to picture Bronx doing that, especially as memories of him giving her choices, asking permission, and all around trying to support her flashed into her mind.

But then she remembered what she’d read about true mates.All it would take is one kiss, and he couldn’t stop himself.

Then don’t kiss him until you’re ready.

As if it’s that easy.

Her dragon grunted.It might be. Or just ask for a different teacher and avoid him. With time, it’ll fade.

It was a good suggestion—remove temptation, and she’d be safe.

But the thought of never seeing Bronx again, never talking with him, and never being near him and feeling safe, squeezed her heart.

Not to mention she’d miss watching TV with Violet and sharing meals with the both of them. They were her friends, or at least people who wouldn’t constantly fuck her over.

Which, given her past, was a huge step up.

But to go back and merely tell Bronx she couldn’t do it—would he listen? Wouldn’t Stonefire’s clan leader just ship her off to a different clan, where she’d have to start over?

Rumors would fly about why she was there, and people would find a new reason to look at her with disdain or pity.

She readjusted her arse on the floor—it was getting bloody cold—and tried to further sort out her thoughts.

Because she also remembered how she’d nearly kissed Bronx before, how nice it’d been to feel his heat, the firm grip of his hand holding hers, and how handsome he was when he laughed.

Without the burden of being his true mate, would she have wanted more eventually?

A resounding yes echoed inside her mind. She’d actually wanted to have sex with him, feel what it was like with someone she’d chosen, and to maybe learn what tenderness or even true desire felt like.

Her dragon spoke up again.If you want to run, I will still be here. But if you want my opinion, I say go back to Stonefire. Talk with Bronx, with Bram, and maybe with others who’ve gone through the frenzy. It could help us form a plan without just running from it.

Running, hiding, or shielding had been her survival tactics, to the point she’d never been honest with anyone, not even herself.

But if she was honest with Bronx and talked about her fears and wants, would he listen?

Or would he toss them away, take what he wanted to appease his dragon, and turn into someone she didn’t recognize?

After all, Bronx had known his dragon his whole life and Percy only a few weeks.

Laying her forehead on her knees, she debated if she had enough courage to risk being hurt.

Because if she did, she might end up with a chance to get what she wanted and find some happiness.


When Percy fled, Bronx’s first reaction was to dash after her. When she didn’t stop, no matter how many times he called her name, he realized it was a bad idea.

After all, he was the one she’d run from.

His brother and Tristan eventually reached him. Hudson asked, “What happened?”
