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Her voice trailed off, and she bit her lip. Damn, all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and support her.

And then maybe kiss her. A lot. “But?”

She answered, “I-I want to stay on Stonefire, I think. If you can take things slowly with me.”

Joy raced through him, but his cynical side blurted, “What?”

The corner of her mouth ticked up, making her more bloody beautiful. “You were definitely more eloquent during our lessons.”

Bram laughed, but Bronx ignored him. He cleared his throat. “Sorry, but after yesterday, I didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me.”

Percy glanced at Bram and then Brenna. “Can I talk to Bronx alone?”

Bram stood, and Brenna followed suit. “No problem, lass. Although we’ll be on the other side of that door, if you need us.”

Brenna gave her shoulder a squeeze before exiting with Bram.

As soon as the door clicked closed, he placed his other hand over hers. When Percy didn’t pull away, his hope grew even bigger. “When you ran, it terrified me, Percy. I was so afraid you’d be hurt or killed or maybe even kidnapped.” He swallowed. “And the cabin wasn’t the same without you.”

She placed her other hand over his, making their little hand pile complete. “It was… a lot to take in. And I needed time to think. My first instinct is to run or hide or push people away to protect myself. I’ve never had someone I could rely on, or even want to be around, before. So when you said I was your true mate, well, I panicked. I thought all of my choices would be taken from me again.”

“Never, Percy. I would never force you into a frenzy you didn’t want.”

She smiled. “I realized that, with the help of my dragon. She’s a fan of yours, by the way, so it’s sort of unfair.”

He grinned. “Welcome to the life of a dragon-shifter. Our dragon halves are our best friends, but they can also be bloody annoying at times when they disagree.”

She laughed, the sound a balm to his soul.

Fuck, he wanted to hear it all the time.

But if so, he had to work on convincing her to give him a chance, because even just one night apart had shown him what he’d tried to deny—he was falling for her and wanted her as his mate in truth.

His dragon sniffed.About time.

Ignoring his beast, he focused on Percy. “But in all seriousness, we can take this slow, love. As long as I don’t kiss you on the mouth, it won’t start the frenzy.” He rubbed his thumb against the side of her hand, loving how her pupils flashed. “I’d like to slowly introduce you to how good intimacy can be, if you’ll let me.”

Her cheeks flushed. “How, exactly?”

His gaze moved to her lips for a beat, but then lower, to her neck. “I’d like to kiss your outer dragon.”

“My what?”

He met her gaze again. “Your birthmark. I mentioned it looks like a roaring dragon’s head, so it’s your outer dragon. It’s as if it was always there, to remind you that you are a dragon-shifter, no matter what anyone else said.”

She whispered, “Bronx.”

“It’s true. And I want to trace it with my tongue.”

She sucked in a breath, and he waited. He could be even more patient, if needed. But he had to feel out Percy, determine where she was, and formulate a plan from there.

She swallowed. Her voice was husky as she said, “Then do it.”

He searched her gaze. “Are you sure?”

She nodded, and he pushed his chair back from the table. Patting his leg, he said, “Then come here. Sit on my lap. That way, you can retreat if you need to.”

As he watched her stand and walk toward him, he allowed himself to caress her body with his eyes. Her lovely pale neck, the slight swell of her breasts, the softness of her hips, and thighs he wanted to grip and eventually push apart, revealing her pretty pussy for him to feast on.
